People on the right seem to be doing similar things in the United States and Korea. Now I'm putting pressure on me with the intention of making a loan and letting me pay for the loan and then givinging them it. I can't give in to their pressure. This is because living in poverty without debt is better than living with a heavy heart.
JoinedPosts by pokertopia
I'm now turned off by this site
by purrpurr inin one form or another i've been a member of this site for almost 10 years.
in the past this was a great place for debate, news and support for ex jws.
i logged on several times a day and posted several times a week.
Chat AI shows Jesus was not god
by enigma1863 intitle: jesus' perception of himself: a nuanced view of equality in a patriarchal society.
the perception of jesus christ's divinity has been a subject of theological debate for centuries.
Divinity is, after all, the completion of personality. 2 Peter 1:5-7 presents eight stages of participation in God's nature. All of those steps are personality. So what people often refer to as divinity doesn't mean the nature of God, it means supernatural power. Does Jesus really have supernatural powers? No, he himself said, with his own mouth, there is no miracle I can show (Matthew 12:39). He's a human being and he has just compleleted his character.
Did Isaiah even predict Cyrus' name 150 years ago?
by pokertopia indid isaiah even predict cyrus' name 150 years ago?.
there were two types of prophets: individual prophets and court prophets.
for example, before ahab went to war, 400 court prophets predicted ahab's victory, but michaya, an individual prophet, predicted his defeat.
This article was forced by A.I. to be seen only by me and the moderators, are you a moderator?
It makes me feel that this social system is a violent evil structure that takes away human freedom and individual rights.
This system is bound to be put right. I believe that a transparent system is God's Kingdom.
Did Isaiah even predict Cyrus' name 150 years ago?
by pokertopia indid isaiah even predict cyrus' name 150 years ago?.
there were two types of prophets: individual prophets and court prophets.
for example, before ahab went to war, 400 court prophets predicted ahab's victory, but michaya, an individual prophet, predicted his defeat.
Did Isaiah even predict Cyrus' name 150 years ago?
There were two types of prophets: individual prophets and court prophets. For example, before Ahab went to war, 400 court prophets predicted Ahab's victory, but Michaya, an individual prophet, predicted his defeat. This is the fact that the king was training prophets under him.
The first part of the text of Isaiah must have been recorded by Isaiah, but the second half of Isaiah's book was to raise Cyrus as Jehovah's prophesied servant in appreciation of his achievements by court prophets who returned from later exile in Babylon. In doing so, it would have contributed to restoring their worship of Jehovah and promoting his outstanding abilities. One important reason for this view is that it is a mythological element that prophesied 150 years ago while specifying a person's name, and it is clear that such mythological elements are 100% ex-eventus prophecies. The true prophecy is only about very valid moral principles or natural phenomena. Therefore, in order to provide hope to humans, the Bible tried to increase its effectiveness by adding mythical elements that were used at the time, such as miracles or prophecies.
Anyone know what this sculpture is of the "torture stake?"
by charity7 inhey guys!
i'm new on this site and am a non jw here married to a jw.
my husband's family are active members and they daily post articles on facebook from which i know is meant for me to see and read.
In the teachings of Watchtower Corporation, Jesus' dead form was replaced by the term straight pillar instead of a cross. The reason is that the Greek word 'stauros' corresponding to the cross means a single pole without a cross. But this is a very hasty conclusion. Stauros includes a straight column, because it does not exclude other additions to the straight column. It can be inferred that the scripture itself is natural that the shape of Jesus' execution means that the straight pillar is the main pillar Y and the addition is placed horizontally on the X-axis.
In John 20:25, the number of nails is not clear, but in all English Scriptures, including NW, there is a plural number of nails, so it is natural to think that the nails were done separately in both hands rather than gathering hands on pillars. Moreover, it is much more natural to say that the sign "King of the Jews" is on the head in Matthew 27:37 when both hands are nailed to a cross stick. Because if both hands were nailed to one pillar, it should be said that there was a sign above the hands, as shown in the picture below, not above the head.
Samson kills 1,000 Philistine military men with a donkey's jawbone...I think not!
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | september 2023. study article 37. rely on jehovah, as samson did.
4 consider an example of samson’s trust in jehovah and of the support that god supplied.
on one occasion, a philistine military force had come to capture samson at lehi, evidently in judah.
What does PIMA stand for?
Is A an abbreviation for absent?
Samson kills 1,000 Philistine military men with a donkey's jawbone...I think not!
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | september 2023. study article 37. rely on jehovah, as samson did.
4 consider an example of samson’s trust in jehovah and of the support that god supplied.
on one occasion, a philistine military force had come to capture samson at lehi, evidently in judah.
우리는 이러한 삼손의 예로부터 성서, 특히 구약 성서의 이야기가 얼마나 과장 되었는 지 추리할 수 있습니다. 따라서 모세가 이집트에 내린 10가지 재앙이나 홍해 바다를 가른 이야기들을 사실 그대로 받아들이지 말라는 성서 자체의 경고입니다. 다만, 이와 같이 과장되거나 신화적인 이야기들로부터 그 진정한 의미를 알아내는 것은 유익할 것입니다.
나아가 예수가 포도주로 변화 시킨 이야기 등은 사실이 아니라는 것을 알 수 있습니다.
We can reason from this example of Samson how exaggerated the Bible, especially the Old Testament is. So the Bible itself warns us not to take the story of Moses's 10 catastrophes against Egypt or the story of his separation of the Red Sea. However, it would be beneficial to find out the true meaning from these exaggerated or mythical stories.
Furthermore, we can see that the story that Jesus transformed into wine, etc. is not true.
Unbelief and Salvation
by lriddle80 inhebrews 6:4-8. for it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the holy spirit, 5 and have tasted the goodness of the word of god and the powers of the age to come, 6 and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the son of god to their own harm and holding him up to contempt.
7 for land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from god.
8 but if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed, and its end is to be burned.. but then i read articles that say that you cannot lose your salvation and that this scripture isn't talking about that.. but then 2 timothy says.
죤 칼뱅의 구원론입니다. 그의 말은 맞기도 하고 틀리기도 합니다. 참으로 구원 받은 사람, 예를 들면 예수 그리스도와 같은 사람은 영원한 구원입니다. 그러나 계시록에서는 생명책에 이름을 지우겠다고도 말합니다. 어떤 신학 관념이라 하더라도 그것은 맞기도 틀리기도 합니다. 왜냐하면 인간이 세운 이론은 진리 전체를 포괄하지 못하기 때문입니다.
It's John Calvin's theory of salvation. What he says is both right and wrong. A truly saved person, for example Jesus Christ, is eternal salvation. But the Book of Revelation also says that it will erase its name from the book of life. Any theological notion is right and wrong. Because human-built theories don't cover the whole truth.
dailly text 6/26
by pokertopia inbecome imitators of me.—1 cor.
11:1.. when paul said this, did he ask us to imitate his preach activities?
it is not a new verse that starts anew, but a verse that ends the previous chapter, so what paul says to imitate is shown in the previous chapter.
I am asking the true meaning of Paul's words, not whether I am a witness or not.
dailly text 6/26
by pokertopia inbecome imitators of me.—1 cor.
11:1.. when paul said this, did he ask us to imitate his preach activities?
it is not a new verse that starts anew, but a verse that ends the previous chapter, so what paul says to imitate is shown in the previous chapter.
Become imitators of me.—1 Cor. 11:1.
When Paul said this, did he ask us to imitate his preach activities? Not at all. It is not a new verse that starts anew, but a verse that ends the previous chapter, so what Paul says to imitate is shown in the previous chapter. It is about a Christian being free to make any choice, but when he makes a choice for the benifit of others, he has become a true free man and should imitate Paul himself in that respect. However, the watch tower distortedly explains to emulate preach activities. What is its practical reason?