Poor meeting attendance has a direct corrilation with lack of shepherds shepherding the congregation.
roseinbloom, once I learned TTATT and resigned as elder, I was pleasantly shocked by the personal "confessions" of some rank-and-file JW's regarding their doubts and personal opinions regarding WT doctrine and policies (Long live freedom of thought and personal expression!).
I realised many sincere shepherds are pulling a dead horse so-to-say. I remember the mild frustration of the several group-overseers (including me) during our BOE meetings every time we noticed that younger brothers with potential didn't grow spiritually in spite of shepherding visits and working together in field service. There was always that one question... "What else can we do to encourage him... or is there some unknown problem maybe?" We would often guess proclaimers had busy full-time jobs that kept them from meeting attendance or too much family pressure but were not motivated enough to admit it or make changes.
Now I know of TTATT and the many lurkers, faders and those held hostage because of family. I pity the elders in this era of unfathomable "new light", the abuse scandals and Google Almighty and instant fact-checking.
The GB knows, they hope the rank-and-file don't know, and the poor elders are told again and again to pull on a dead horse. For many, a nervous breakdown seems to be inevitable on the long term. How many more elders will resign, building up even more pressure for those who stay in office?