Hi CapO,
This is going to be a fun ride.
Thanks for coming along.
This is one of those marvelous times to be living.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Hi CapO,
This is going to be a fun ride.
Thanks for coming along.
This is one of those marvelous times to be living.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
you wait a week after the last post to have a final say
Schedule keeps me away from JWN, it's nothing personal with you.
This thread is mapping the new (recent 2013) paradigm of peer-reviews science that's challenging Darwinism. It's similar to when the "Steady State theory" (eternal cosmos) paradigm fell to the Big Bang origin of the universe reality. Still today the “static” universe lobby is trying to keep "Steady State" theory alive with the "multiverse theory" (infinity of universes). This lobby of atheist is terrified of their worst fear (averse to a cause-and-effect Creator) which is implicit with any system having a beginning.
So I’m simply current, not interested in going round and round with ideas that are clearly inept, therefore false (Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, abiogenesis, etc.).
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Favorable Reviews, 4.2 out of 5 Customer Reviews Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design
308 Reviews
| Average Customer Review 4.2 out of 5 stars (308 customer reviews) 4.2 out of 5 |
Folks are awakening!
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Hi cofty,
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
We need you at the celebration when JWism and Darwinism collapse like the Berlin Wall, maybe simultaneous.
That will be some conversation! Your humility will be refreshing.
It will happen!
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
This thread is swerving off-topic.
Intent here is to challenge and expose the ineptness of Neo-Darwinism.
And, consider other viable explanations.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
There is nothing about the world that requires the meddling of a designer.
What's neat about the DESIGNER is, his design is self-correcting, no need for micromanaging.
A multitude with the right attitude (this is important) gets back in sync with the design of creation, so that “creation itself will also be set free from the bondage of corruption [by man, not God].” No more Canaanites (spiritual darkness) on Earth, the SOURCE of pain and suffering, repercussion from Adam's WRONG free-will choice.
That’s the future!
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Gopher: The order of events known from science is just the opposite.
Take a closer look.
Science Cambrian Big Bang (animal life explosion) starts at ~500my; the Biblical 5 th day start for animal life agrees (~.5by).
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Guys, we agree creation is gorgeous. We agree the Earth has horror.
But this dichotomy is explained. Free-will choice created hostility which has spillover into Earth’s psyche, a kind of “chaos theory” ripples.
Ro 8:19-21 " CREATION eagerly waits with anticipation for God's sons…creation was subjected to futility…creation itself will also be set free from the bondage of corruption ."
So, we were born into a schizophrenic world with contradictions,
Gn 3:15 “hostility between…your offspring and her offspring.”
There is a two-polarity battle for the mind of man. Question is, which polarity has the strongest pull on our hearts? Which heirs own the future?
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Hi cofty, science is the reason I'm NOT an atheist. Its mathematics and design beauty are powerful. Can't be ignored.
And, it makes good sense.
Thanks for sharing.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Genesis 1:3-5 is referring to “light” visibility (telescope view) arriving in the Earth’s region for the first time.
Genesis 1:16-19 is referring to “great lights” fully functional as clocks calibrated to measure “day and night…signs [e.g. eclipse, equinox]…seasons… days and years” etc.
Gn 1:3 “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. AV 4 And seeing is the Elohim the light, that it is good.
And separating is the Elohim between the light and the darkness.” CLV
“Let there be light” is not creation of luminaries, they’re already created when “God created heaven and earth.” “Let there be light” refers to Earth’s sky (firmament) capacity for “light” translucency is online—Earth’s “Dark Ages” is interrupted; a “light-dark” (day-night) rotation is discernible for the first time from Earth’s surface.
This “light” transparency is the same transparency permeating the cosmos allowing WMAP and COBE probes see back in time as far as the CMBR event, when this cosmic opaqueness (“Dark Ages”) became transparent.
Initial opaqueness is because very hot matter was crammed together into a smaller universe. Cosmos expansion (still occurring today) allows it to loosen up and cool. This also allows the quark-gluon plasma to form into protons. Most of the photons at this time in the universe are interacting with electrons and protons in the photon–baryon fluid, and the universe is still opaque or "foggy." There is light but not light we could observe through telescopes.
The baryonic matter in the universe consisted of ionized plasma (with positively charged hydrogen and helium nuclei, and negatively charged electrons) which became neutral when it gained free electrons during "recombination." This “recombination” releases decoupled photons to freely roam infusing the universe with transparency throughout its various regions. Plausibly, “Let there be light: and there was light,” is when Earth’s region arrives at this state of FREE-ROAMING photon transparency (telescope viewing).
Photons roaming the universe freely is how we are able to see the residual cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)—the “afterglow" pattern of the Big Bang freely propagating through space. Scientists consider this to be one of the strongest pieces of observational evidence for the Big Bang theory.
Can't conflate Hebrew terms "created" and "made."
“Create” Hebrew root bara means novel ( absolute) : a total new thing
In the beginning was “created bara heaven and earth.”
Ro 4:17 “God...who creates new things out of nothing. NLT …. Hb 11:3 the visible has its origin in the invisible.” NET
. “Made” Hebrew root `asah means, to do or make (in the broadest sense); to fashion, to prepare, to engage; aboutness, etc
Gn 1:16-19 “ God made `asah two great lights…fourth day” AV
This 3300 year track record is compelling when it comes to credibility:
1) It's FIRST to get the Big Bang ORIGIN of the universe right
2) It's FIRST to get the EXPANSION of the universe right
3) It's FIRST to get "let there be LIGHT" in the universe right
4) It's FIRST to get the ORDER of creation right
This is the only one you can argue. But Neo-Darwinism and abiogenesis speculations are frauds, verifiable by the fossil record as well the latest DNA findings. It's pointless to argue fantasy.
Fossil record does point to other findings consistent with Genesis:
We know Mammoths preserved in the Arctic Siberia permafrost have tropical vegetation in their stomachs. Their death (ingesting tropical flora) tells us the climate was tropical and their preservation has a quick frozen catastrophic cause.
It’s plausible that the 3 rd day condition of Earth is a tropical-subtropical flora conservatory (with no polar climate extremes) consistent with a stratospheric water canopy (protective screen), above the sky (firmament), giving the Earth a uniform greenhouse temperature; a flora incubator, as it were, as the Sun light is diffuse (enough for photosynthesis).