It just goes to show if you shove hard enough, even a square peg will fit in a round hole.
I always wondered what's wrong with you. Thanks for letting us know.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
It just goes to show if you shove hard enough, even a square peg will fit in a round hole.
I always wondered what's wrong with you. Thanks for letting us know.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
And science is clearly the work of post biblical people.
It's FIRST to get the Big Bang ORIGIN of the universe right
It's FIRST to get the EXPANSION of the universe right
It's FIRST to get "let there be LIGHT" in the universe right
It's FIRST to get the ORDER of creation right
Not a "science" book per se (doesn't claim to be). BUT when it ways in on science its smarts are always prescient.
The more SCIENCE discovery, the smarter the Bible gets.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
It's amazing how far science has come toward confirming the Bible. Forty-fifty years ago the world conventional wisdom adopted the Greek world view that the cosmos existed always. Edwin Hubble and Albert Einstein collaboration affirms, nope, the cosmos has origin; it came into existence about 14 billion years ago.
The Genesis account of creation is in broad strokes. However, its PRESCIENCE thousands of years ahead of scientific discovery is one of the things that separate the Hebrew narrative from the entire range of religious and secular writings.
It's special!
Yom (day)
Above is a correlation update of the Biblical creation account with science. We know the Bible does not support a young Earth 24-hour day creation model. Inspection of the text leads to this conclusion:
1) Phrase "evening and morning" in Genesis 1:5 refers to light (photons) separating out of the cosmic plasma "Dark Ages" cannot refer to normal solar days because visible sun and moon, day or night clocks, don't' become visible in the sky until the fourth day. Gen 1:14-15
Idiom "evening and morning" has a poetic nuance (typical Hebrew). The sense of creation periods is they are phased from "evening" (0% complete) steadily to "morning" (100% complete) with a finale "very good" stamp--e.g. the seventh day does not have this "evening and morning" summary with a "very good" stamp.
We live in this 6 th day still in process, waiting for a "very good" stamp, now thousands of years downstream; first 24-hours are long past.
2) Genesis 2:4 refers to the ENTIRE six creative days as "the day" (one day), signaling something special, extraordinary.
Gn 2:4 "These are births of the heavens and of the earth in their being prepared, in the DAY of Jehovah God's making earth and heavens." YLT
So, the "six days" = the "earth and heavens" day, clearly not 24-hours.
3) Genesis 1:3-5 speaks of "light" arriving in the entire universe for the first time.
Gn 1:3 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. AV 4 And seeing is the Elohim the light, that it is good. And separating is the Elohim between the light and the darkness." CLV
This "light" permeating the cosmos is the reason WMAP and COBE probes can see back in time as far as CMB event, cosmic opaqueness ("Dark Ages") became translucent.
Opaqueness is bc very hot matter was crammed together into a smaller universe. Cosmos expansion (still working today) allows it loosen up and cool. This allows the quark-gluon plasma to form into protons. At this point the universe consists mostly of electrons, protons, and also photons (light and other radiation).
Once the quarks and gluons form together into protons, charged electrons and protons bind to form electrically neutral hydrogen atoms (this process is called "Recombination"). Then, a process called photon decoupling took place. PHOTONS now are able to travel through the universe uninhibited without being continually absorbed by free-roaming electrons and protons bc they're now bound to hydrogen atoms. "Let there be light: and there was light."
This process of freeing up photons to roam the universe freely is what leaves the residual cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation that scientists have observed today, which is one of the strongest pieces of observational evidence for the Big Bang theory.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
why does the moon recede from the Earth a few centimeters every year?
hmm... That's why we pay rent (to the supreme conservator). If man owned it we'd be in big trouble.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
cofty: QC... then get their dictionaries out with no regard for context.
Oh, no dictionary authority support so will make it a matter of semantics. You and Ryan Braun, shoe horn stuff, force your choice of reality on others.
You definitely have a dark side.
Like I said, less is more with you.
My hope for you is you come to your senses and land in a better place.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
cofty: look up obtuse in your dictionary.
Inventing you own facts.
I see.
When dealing with you, less is more.
I sometime wonder what will become of you, your legacy, etc.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
cofty: In biology the word "design" simply means the correlation between form and function.
What dictionary is that?
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
bohm: there is nothing to discuss.
I agree. Your posts are delusions of grandeur. You're not as smart as you think.
bohm: (tada!) they [ Fibonacci patterns and mathematics] were the product of design... [Fibonacci] Natural processes… seem designed.
Can't have it both ways, it's either evidence of a design or it's not a design. Trying to mimic Dawkins' 'design non-design' oxymoronic nonsense make you look silly.
de • sign
[dih-zahyn] verb (used with object)
2. to plan and fashion artistically or skillfully.
3. to intend for a definite purpose.
4. to form or conceive in the mind; contrive; plan.
5. to assign in thought or intention; purpose.
ALL sophisticated Fibonacci patterns have compounded sequential mathematic uniqueness--planned skillfully, purposefully and intentionally.
So, if you want to be a clapping seal for Dawkins do it on YOUR threads. Thanks
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Who is Robin?
Everybody knows but you. Check into a mirror.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Hi Robin. Do you think you will EVER get something right?
You're batting 0 for N x