Yes, absolute date also is:
70 AD
- Titus brings Roman desolation of Jerusalem (second time), start of Jews scattering globally.
i'm intrigued by the whole "bible chronology" topic, but have never really dug into it because to put any of it together you need a historically reliable starting point.
this wasn't a problem as a practicing jw because you just assumed their dates were right.
i would like for someone to give me one event described in the bible that is universally established and accepted historically that i can use as a reliable starting point.
Yes, absolute date also is:
70 AD
i'm intrigued by the whole "bible chronology" topic, but have never really dug into it because to put any of it together you need a historically reliable starting point.
this wasn't a problem as a practicing jw because you just assumed their dates were right.
i would like for someone to give me one event described in the bible that is universally established and accepted historically that i can use as a reliable starting point.
Absolute dates (anchor dates, uncontested by historians, archeologist and chronologist):
539 BC
31 BC
15 AD
Definitive work on 587 BC desolation of Jerusalem is Gentile Times Reconsidered, by Carl Olof Jonson, download here at item #9, follow instructions
god can be our special friend.we can get to know him by his creative works and his word the bible.he provided a ransom(jesus) for sinners.a friend who cares about you,understands you and is loyal.. however,would you want god to be your friend after you read the bible hi-lites.a god who burns people with alive with fire and sulfur:gen19.
if your friend talked to you like this,abimelach,you are a dead man,for that woman you have taken is already married:gen 20.
(side note remember k.david).
Wow! I'm trying to imagine myself in your shoes.
You've found a better way to stay spiritual.
I assume you stay there because you're attached by family?
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Breaking news
The Canadian Press
Wed, 12 Feb, 2014
VANCOUVER - An international team of researchers has uncovered a treasure trove of fossils dating back half a billion years in a mountain park in British Columbia — a discovery that could help further explain the evolution of life.
After just two weeks at the Kootenay National Park site, the researchers identified 50 individual species, including about 12 that had never been seen before, which Jean-Bernard Caron hopes is just the beginning.
"Indeed, it was absolutely wonderful, and we found a lot of fossils," said Caron, a team member and curator at the Royal Ontario Museum. "We were certainly the first human eyes to find them there."
Caron said the discovery will help researchers better understand the sudden explosion of animal life during the Cambrian Period, which was about 500 million years ago. Back then — about 250 million years before the first dinosaurs — the coastline around Vancouver would have been located in the tropics.
Caron said researchers found mostly invertebrates, animals without a backbone or spinal column, known as arthropods, a group that includes insects, spiders, lobsters, crabs and shrimp. The animals' eyes, legs and soft tissue, such as gut and gut contents, were preserved, he said.
New Cambrian Explosion fossil find deepens Darwin's dilemma
Discovery Institute
February 12, 2014A spectacular new discovery of Cambrian animal fossils has intensified a source of doubt that troubled Darwin about his theory, according to scientific researchers at Discovery Institute.
About 26 miles from the famous Walcott quarry, a new exposure of Burgess Shale fossils has come to light. Called the Marble Canyon quarry, this fossil assemblage, reported in Scientific American, Nature Communications, and elsewhere, appears to be larger and more detailed than its neighbor, famous as a World Heritage Site.
“This new location sheds no new light on what might have caused the origin of all these new animal forms,” said Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, author of the New York Times bestseller Darwin’s Doubt. “Instead, it intensifies the problem of the Cambrian explosion, because it contains fossils previously known only from China.”
That is despite hopeful claims that this new outcrop “offers new insights” into “the initial diversification of metazoans” (a euphemism for the sudden appearance of entirely new animal body plans), it has provided no new insight into the causes of the Cambrian explosion.
“All of the animals, including the new ones, fit into existing Cambrian phyla,” explained Meyer. “No transitional intermediates have been discovered.”
“What’s important to understand is how suddenly, geologically the new body plans emerge,” said Casey Luskin, research director at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. “Even if one were to take the most generous evolutionary estimate for the length of the Cambrian explosion, it would not allow enough time for natural selection and random mutations to do the job.”
All the animals are complex at their first appearance. The first trilobite is 100% trilobite, complete with jointed appendages, eyes, and internal organs. No “pre-trilobites” or “half-trilobites” are found. The same is true for all the other animals discovered there.
god can be our special friend.we can get to know him by his creative works and his word the bible.he provided a ransom(jesus) for sinners.a friend who cares about you,understands you and is loyal.. however,would you want god to be your friend after you read the bible hi-lites.a god who burns people with alive with fire and sulfur:gen19.
if your friend talked to you like this,abimelach,you are a dead man,for that woman you have taken is already married:gen 20.
(side note remember k.david).
How does the body of elders in your congo treat you? Your spirit is unmistakable—not model party line. In this hair-trigger ‘beware of apostates’ climate, some zealots must be trying take your temperature?
Just curious.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Yes Jon, you are spinning.... Eventually you will stop, look around, and see Evolution is done. Lenski, semantics, grad students, etc. won't help.
Slip, it doesn't matter what Evolutionist claim about Neanderthal DNA. That’s a moot point, insignificant. The Evolution paradigm has anomalies that cannot be fixed.
“Darwinian Evolution” is a failed theory. Sorry guys.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Clarity is wonderful! 2 min. (paste link into youTube if video fails)
An x-dub must see: Darwin’s Dilemma, Cambrian explosion up close, you are there. (paste link into youTube if video fails)
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Relax cofty.
You have time to change your mind.
We all make mistakes. Question is, what ar you going to do about it.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
cofty's diatribes against theism:
Cofty: When Newton got stuck on why all the planets travel on the same plane he abandoned science and ascribed the answer to god. You can't do science without temporarily putting your belief in theism aside.
According to cofty, Newton, the devout Christian intrigued with God’s handiwork and credited with being the impetus for modern science arguably the greatest scientist ever, if in his day he had simply switched off his theism and turned on atheism, he would have had no limits to his understanding of how planets orbit. This vitriolic rant is intended to penalize Newton because he is a Christian that became a science colossus.
Hitchens is the lead attack dog on this. He targets Newton becaus he expressed that God's "corrections" sustain the laws that govern planets, no need to worry about their stability.
A century later, Pierre-Simon Laplace, using Newton's equations of motion, applied a more precise mathematics to Newton's equations and found the Sun and planet mutual equilibrium stability that exist in the solar system (cf. Laplace's book, Celestial Mechanics). Hitchens spins a strawman argument suggesting Newton's Christianity stopped him from doing what the atheist Laplace could do.
But this clearly is a manipulation of the facts, we know Laplace wrote to his son, "I pray that God watches over your days. Let Him be always present to your mind, as also your father and your mother." Chemist Jean-Baptiste Dumas who knew Laplace well in the 1820s wrote that Laplace "gave materialists their specious arguments, without sharing their convictions." And, Roger Hahn (Laplace's biographer) states, Born a Catholic, "Nowhere in his writings, either public or private, does Laplace deny God's existence." Laplace was not an atheist. Like Newton, he was a Christian also! Like the majority of scientist of his day.
Once again, we see nonsense happens when indulgent ideologues (like cofty, Hitchen, Dawkins, the Society's GB 8, etc.) tilt to the dark side.
Fine-Tuned Laws of Nature: (paste into browser if youtube fails:(8 min)
Nature journal: Shadows cast on Moon's origin
Our Moon is like no other. The ratio of its mass compared to the mass of its host planet is about fifty times greater than the next closest known ratio of moon to host planet mass. Plus, our Moon orbits Earth more closely than any other known large moon orbits its host planet.
Earth possesses a stable rotation axis tilt, unlike the other solar system planets, which protects it from rapid and extreme climatic variations that would otherwise rule out advanced life. The Moon also slowed Earth’s rotation rate down to the value at which advanced life could thrive and generated tides that recycle nutrients and waste efficiently.
Only recently have astronomers had any clue how such a special Moon could form. Over the past 15 years, astronomers developed and improved models that demonstrate that the Moon resulted from a collision between a newly formed Earth and a planet about twice the mass of Mars. This collision took place at an impact angle of about 45 degrees and a very low impact velocity of less than 12 kilometers per second. In addition to forming the Moon, this highly fine-tuned event brought about three more changes, each significant for advanced life: (1) it blasted away most of Earth’s water and atmosphere; (2) it ejected light element material and delivered heavy elements; and (3) it transformed both the interior and exterior structure of the planet.
Scientist Tim Elliott observes that the complexity and fine-tuning in lunar origin models appears to be accumulating at an exponential rate. The impact on lunar origin researchers, Elliott notes, is that “the sequence of conditions that currently seems necessary in these revised versions of lunar formation have led to philosophical disquiet.”
Why this “philosophical disquiet” among astronomers? There is now more than sufficient evidence for the supernatural, super-intelligent design of the Earth-Moon system for humanity’s specific benefit.
Jon Preston: Q i was wondering if youve had enough time to answer DS211's question?
DS211: Were animals supposed to live forever? if they were supposed to live forever why would he create bacteria and viruses for decay in the first place?
Salvation (living forever) is a gift only for members of the family of Adam which does not include animals. A multitude of Adams descendants understand that their being created in the "image of God" means God will fix the situation of inherited sin triggered by Adam.
This differentiation from animals, is verification that there is NO such thing as theistic Evolution. Humans and angelic creations are meant to reflect the righteous “image of God” qualities. Animals do not reflect the "image of God" intelligence.
DS211: And its a proven fact that viruses and bacteria change, they mutate, do they not? Isnt that evolution?
No that's not Evolution.
Viruses, bacteria, animals in general, and humans do change over time, yes; e.g. modern technology change in medicine, foods, and sports training, etc. to produce the change of bigger faster and more powerful athletic human specimen. And, food change, e.g. the seedless Navel orange DNA manipulation change does gives us another type of delicious orange.
But these changes are NOT Evolution; they represent the range of adaptation programming (some improvisational) within species, which speak to the ingenious adaptive and creative way God designs species variety. But NEVER do species jump out of their phyla lane (species family) to make another species family, e.g. apes don’t morph into humans, etc., EVER. All species have a programming script that makes them what they are.
So, the rabid bluster from Bill Blyth (aka cofty) and Dawkins over an Evolution common ancestry tree (coming out of the Cambrian Explosion) if it were true there would be million and million of them at the Cambrian explosion. There’s not—none, zilch, nada, not happening. Add billions of years and cool artistic renderings? Still no. It'is pure nonsense, a myth.
Cofty knows it. He's like the Wall Street bankers that dumped toxic subprime mortages on the stock market. They know they're wrong. Jackal and Hyde ideologue personalities when they're wrong the keep going because they can, and they won't pay a penalty.
Darwin admits the Cambrian Explosion is a problem that hangs over his Evolution theory; instead of waiting for this theory to be proven beyond doubt, he punts to the future:
Darwin’s Cambrian Explosion missing graduated transition fossil evidence problem is now exponentially more problematic. Darwin had no clue about DNA, the highly sophisticated instructions digital programming code prerequisite ALL life must receive before they come into existence. True, environmental natural selection and breeders (humans) can induce species variations, but species creation in the first place is determined solely by digital DNA software instructions from an intelligent source (first cause). It’s a top down bottom up creation process (DNA instructions from on high, assembly of resources below, NOT mud puddle magic bottom up blind chance, hit and miss, willy nilly evolving (abiogenesis, inorganic matter below accidental blind-chance self-assembly).
Evolution is among the diabolic ideas that attract good folks to the darkened world of hostility toward God.
LisaRose: “I don't read long copy....why should I waste my time reading it?”
Sounds like you are still a JW with your head in the sand, refusing to diligently get understanding from original sources. Substituting the ideologue cofty for the GB 8 will ends up a worse embarrassment. You are dealing with a monstous ego.
Lisa: “you want to believe a literal interpretation of the bible and ignore the scientific advances of the last hundred years…”
True the Bible is not a science book per se. But it's the only Book that thousands of years in advance that gives precise clues about physics of the universe:
It's FIRST to get the Big Bang ORIGIN of the universe right
It's FIRST to get the EXPANSION of the universe right
It's FIRST to get "let there be LIGHT" in the universe right
It's FIRST to get the ORDER of creation right
Mathematics of science shows our universe is integrated with consciousness and intelligence. DNA digital code sophisticated instructions is also evidence that supreme intelligence governs.
Slippery: “You just stated that all creatures have their DNA "custom made" which is why I specifically asked about Neanderthals. Going in with no assumptions about evolution, this species has unique DNA from modern man yet also had complex social structures (religious burial, advanced stone tool making, etc.)”
I'm still sad he hasn't answered my question about Neanderthal DNA.
Don’t be sad, be happy:
The problem with Evolution zealotry is it's filled with hoaxes. First we’re told Neanderthals are creatures with large-skull-no-forehead-protruding-thick-brow-erect-walking-squatty-apes. Now the latest consensus says, nope, Neanderthals are simply humans that became extinct like the Philistines; they are similar to the squatty Eskimo tribes that are 100% human.
What other science flip flops the way Evolution does, it's unprecidented. That's a warning that something is seriously wrong with it.
Because Evolution theory has never been scientifically grounded in law, it’s constantly in flux, there’s always some controversial revision retreat or “cooking” of data, attempting to spin a more convincing argument. That’s why it's considered a secular religion, it's a philosophy, it's an ideology with dogma. It can’t be challenged because it’s folklore in the ether of the world, it's an elevated material idol of atheism.
It will blow over like a storm. Light of science will bring it to its death.
Familiarize yourself with some the Evolution gimmicks: the Hahnhöfersand Neanderthal, the Piltdown Man, Piltdown Turkey and archeologist fraud, e.g. “God’s hand” fraud:
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
The pendulum is swinging toward ID. Keeping yourself regularly updated is very wise.
Take care