How many witnesses are there in China? How many of those are going to make it through? Of course we all know
everyone who's currently a witness is not going to make it. I mean one month of inactivity say you miss 3 weeks of
meetings in a row, the big A comes during that time you're a goner. Anyway how many people have died in that
country over the years? Hundreds of millions? Over a billion? It's going to be quite a task for the 50,000 or so (if
that...I really don't have any idea but I'm thinking it's not that many) to witness to all those people.
Maybe Jehovah will allow the internet to stay intact in order to reach and teach all the resurrected ones.
Perhaps there will still be electricity and televisions...not 70 inch plasmas of course don't want the "friends" to be
too materialistic but maybe small TV's for the sole purpose of explaining rules and regulations and setting up a
mandatory meeting scheddule