JoinedTopics Started by Darryl
convention rooming dept
by Darryl inso this past weekend i took my girlfriend and my boys on a little weekend getaway.
we stayed in a hotel and early sunday morning i went out for some starbucks.
when i returned and called the elevator it arrived, the doors opened and inside waiting to come out was a nice lady with that all too familiar badge on her lapel.
Poor Sisters
by Darryl ini really felt for you sisters i mean i really did.
when you showed up at the sunday meeting and found out the subject of the talk was going to be -and i can't quite remember the exact wording- but something to the effect of marriage and headship, or honoring and obeying your husband, or something like that how many of you wanted to jump right back in your car and head home.
i mean 45 straight minutes of beating down you poor ladies and telling you that you are not worthy of making one decision, taking the lead in anything, don't question the man be obedient and keep quiet.
This generation will by no means pass away
by Darryl ingood morning i hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
there has been a lot of talk about the "new light" concerning the generation teaching.
it's been a major part of the prophecy concerning the last days and of course since jws are the only ones able to decipher and understand prophecy it is of great importance to get this main prophecy right.
I need a little help
by Darryl inmy story is i've been df'd for about 20 years.
a couple years after i started attending church and found it to be a tremendously uplifting experience.
from the people to the music, message everything drew me in.
by Darryl ini was watching serena win yet another wimbledon title recently (congrats to her) but it got me to thinking about her for a moment.
she identifies herself as a jw and if you look up any info on her it will tell you that her religion is jw so that means that she herself and the rest of the world identifies her as a jw.. for those of us who are df'd as well as those of you who are about to be df'd what is the reason?
and what is the main difference between a df and a fade away?
Disagreement with Mom
by Darryl inalthough df'd for almost 20 years my very much still a jw mother and i would have a discussion about my return to the org .
from time to time.
that ended when i revealed myself to be an apostate.
Cart Witnessing
by Darryl inok i have been out awhile-almost 20 years can someone please explain this cart business to me.
i guess it's street .
witnessing correct?
by Darryl inso i have been hooked on the oj miniseries very compelling.
i happened to miss episode 8 forgot to set my dvr.
i had been searching for days for episode 8 because with past episodes they have been showing them at least a half dozen times at odd hours however not true with episode 8. so i go to my phone and google the episode maybe it's been downloaded somewhere so can watch it.