I remember a conversation I had with my mother, I had already left the org and had started attending a Baptist Church and what struck me about attending church was how uplifting an experience it was. Of course I learned all my life that churches were full of evil people who are attached to false teachings and all that. I don't think that I ever bought into all the doctrinal stuff. However the people I encountered were good people. They were involved in the community. They had a scholarship fund to help young college age kids. They encouraged and helped the young kids to be as great as they could be.
Then I talked about my upbringing and how sports, other extra curricular activities were strongly discouraged. College was a huge no no. I told her how much I resented the fact that I never went to college and thus was forced to work a job in manufacturing. It's a good paying job but still my options were severely limited. Then she says this and sadly it almost got her cussed out but I expressed my anger the best way I could and respectfully although I was boiling inside.
What she said was well the Society has changed their view on that slightly and they understand that at least some college might be necessary in the times we are living in. Yeah it was pretty fucking necessary in the times that I was a teenager as well. She continued in fact brother W is putting his Son's through college Jr just graduated this year. I knew Jr when I was in that cong Jr was at least 15 years younger than me. Brother W was your typical asshole elder. Law and order, frowns all the time makes up new rules just in case the ones coming from NY wasn't strict enough. He was definitely a stay the hell away from college guy when I was growing up and his boys were barely walking. Now that they are all grown up he's putting them through college. I asked my mother don't you think that's pretty fucked up??? I didn't use those words but that is the message I wanted to get across. She thought nothing of the society changing their view on something just another example of the "light" getting brighter and brighter. My ass. Never ever ever going back.