There is an excerpt rom a talk given apparently in the German bethel regarding the new situation.
I got an opportunity to listen to it, and it really exposes the orgs desaster in this matter.
The brother went on, how Jehovahs does not need any notes anyway. So yeah, in the past, we all were encouraged to take precise notes, but now, we have the angels guiding us, so just forget about them. (So what about the past ? Did Jehovah need notes then ? What about other contries, where there is no data protection law like in EU, are the angels on holiday there, since the pubs still have to take notes? )
Then he related the example of how apostle Paul was guided by the spirit to find Lydia, he didn`t make notes.
Then he mentioned, that the GB waits, how it will turn out, in order to give more direction. (Hm, aren`t they supposed to be spirit guided? why wait how publishers will work it out ?)
And really weird was his thought, that we have been waiting for new directions from the GB regarding field service for years, and this may be one of those new guidelines. (huh ? the GB was forced by law to change things, it wasn`t any heavenly revelation apparently)
All in all a very weird and even somehow helpless explanation of the situation.
I wondered, didn`t they have any plan B in their sleeves ? The court ruling was last year already, it was not a complete surprise, but it seemend to me, like they were caught off guard.