Most witnesses consider the treatment of "untouchables" in India to be cruel and unfair. But they can't see the same thing in their own behavior. They would revolt if the Society demanded that they give them their entire paycheck and the governing body would give them whatever they think is needed to live from that. But when something similar is announced to the congregation's money, they instantly obey and don't complain. If members had wider interaction with non-witnesses they would see that they create the monster they fear.
Apathy would squelch shunning. Reporting everything you see and do to the elders would stop and then there would be less people disfellowshipped and hence less shunned until it stopped being relevant. If people realized that if they hide there sins for a few years then they elders don't even have to form judicial committees per the Shepherd the Flock book the elders might go towards a don't ask don't tell policy.
If people realize that they have the control then things will be much different. But that realization is hard for some people to grasp.