I have to wonder why you are asking a group of strangers about who you should marry. We don't know her and we don't know you. We know the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses but that is it. Having a religious incompatibility is a HUGE problem for many people. But there are a lot of other things that are just as big or bigger issues.
I have known some Jehovah Witness women who would not convert you or would leave the religion for their husband. A lot of it depends on how she feels about you and what are her individual priorities. But that is for you to find out. We can give you "hypothetical situations" and give you things to ask her or ponder over but it is your decision and if you are not sure then you probably already have your answer.
I know Jews who work on the Sabbath, Muslims who eat pork, Catholics who use birth control and Jehovah's Witnesses who don't preach. Find out who she is and how she feels and then make your decision. And know yourself and understand that even if she was the same religion as you or if you converted that still won't assure success in marriage.
Good luck but it is your decision and we don't know her or know you so make sure you are ready for marriage before you marry anyone.