Like Magnum, I know a lot of JWs with Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees and most of them are doing well in the job market. I know some Bethelite's with engineering degrees that did just fine when they left Bethel because if their volunteer work was related to their degree they would have experience working for a multinational company and that counts for something.
Most of them are deserving of the degree they got and worked very hard at prestigious universities to get them. To think that just because they were a JW they somehow don't think is really unfair. Is everyone who is is religious and idiot because they accept things that others think is unnecessary or foolish? I can't make that assessment.
If they choose to remain or enter the full-time ministry as a JW then that might limit their job opportunities as often the job offers are for full-time work. But I dislike the blanket statements about not being worthy of graduating. Some people I know who are very bright don't have the self-discipline to finish a course they find "boring" and hence don't graduate. That's just as unacceptable in my book.
There are smart graduates and their are less-bright graduates. Some have good people skills and some don't. But I'd rather have the degree than the same knowledge and intelligence without the degree as sometimes that can help in getting the job when all other things are equal.