Luke 21:25 speaks about sea-level rise. The same word is used in the sense of “shaken” or “unsettled” in 1 Thessalonians 3:3 as happens during persecution. And the impression we get from Luke 21:25 is that sea-level rise is a momentary phenomenon before "Great Tribulation,” but truth is that it is going to stay here for a long time till we remove all CO2 from atmosphere.
Similarly, “the abomination that causes desolation” mentioned in Mathew 24:15 may seem to be a momentary phenomenon. But it is for the close associates [those having the mind of Christ] of Jesus to discern—hence can’t be anything literal such as Roman Army, or any Idol, not even UN because God called all the rulers of earth as “His servant” (Romans 13:1-6) which means UN cannot be the abomination” to God.
“Abomination” is to God, not to us. A teaching that creates the impression that God is being used as a tool of Satan or HE is dancing according to the whims and fancies of Satan would be felt by God as “an abomination” to Him.
It was this reasoning that helped me not to be swayed by JW teaching even though I started Bible Study with them. It ended when this teaching of Issue of Jehovah’s Sovereignty was dealt with.