Excellent inputs. What a pathetic situation JWs themselves find in!
1) jesus set the absolute standard on how to deal with the disagreeable or even with those becoming inimical in matthew/5/43-48.
there he said: ‘don’t behave like pagans who love/greet only those loving/greeting them.
but be like our heavenly father who loves everyone without differentiating whether one is friendly or inimical towards him.’ this is his eternal standard.
Excellent inputs. What a pathetic situation JWs themselves find in!
1) jesus set the absolute standard on how to deal with the disagreeable or even with those becoming inimical in matthew/5/43-48.
there he said: ‘don’t behave like pagans who love/greet only those loving/greeting them.
but be like our heavenly father who loves everyone without differentiating whether one is friendly or inimical towards him.’ this is his eternal standard.
The Greek word translated as “disruptive” in 1 Thessalonians 5:14 is ἄτακτος (ataktos). It is a fitting description of what JWs consider to be worthy of disfellowship because it means:
"1. disorderly, out of ranks (often so of soldiers)
2. irregular, inordinate, immoderate pleasures
3. deviating from the prescribed order or rule
Used in Greek society of those who did not show up for work."
1) jesus set the absolute standard on how to deal with the disagreeable or even with those becoming inimical in matthew/5/43-48.
there he said: ‘don’t behave like pagans who love/greet only those loving/greeting them.
but be like our heavenly father who loves everyone without differentiating whether one is friendly or inimical towards him.’ this is his eternal standard.
1) Jesus set the absolute standard on how to deal with the disagreeable or even with those becoming inimical in matthew/5/43-48. There he said: ‘Don’t behave like pagans who love/greet only those loving/greeting them. But be like our Heavenly Father who loves everyone without differentiating whether one is friendly or inimical towards Him.’ This is His eternal standard. (Deuteronomy 10:17; Malachi 3:6; Romans 2:11)
2) Apostle Paul repeated this in his letter to the Thessalonians: “We urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.” (1 Thessalonians 5:14, 15) (emphasis added)
All those verses contradictory to the above precept, found in the Bible, are later adoptions, as warned by Jesus and Paul. (Mathew 13:24-30; Acts 20:28-30) Such contradictory verses are to be treated like verses such as 1 John 5:7; Mark 16:9-20; John 8:2-11 (My Favorite Passage that’s Not in the Bible)
That means JWs were not careful to read God’s word and thus failed to locate anti-Christ and anti-God and anti-Paul verses in the Bible. For example, verses such as Romans 7:19 is not from Paul because he was “a holy, righteous and blameless” man (1-thessalonians/2/4-10), and on this basis he is instructing Thessalonians to be like him in becoming “blameless.” (1-thessalonians/5/19-23) 1 Thessalonians chapters 4 and 5 are dedicated for instructions, yet you will note continuity is lost after 1 Thessalonians 4:12 and continuity is resumed after 1 Thessalonians 5:11. In between are unrelated subjects contrary to what Jesus had taught. For example,
1 Thessalonians 4:17 is against what Jesus taught in Mathew 19:28-30
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 is against what Jesus taught in Luke 21:25-32
Ignoring this fact, JWs made the mistake of publishing the book “True Peace and Security - How Can You Find It?” in 1986 following the UN proclamation of 1986 as “The International Year of Peace.” They thought end of the world is “imminent.”
study article 50. listen to the voice of the fine shepherd.
9 consider an experience that illustrates how jehovah can care for our material needs.
a couple in full-time service drove over an hour in their old car to pick up some sisters living at a refugee center and take them to a christian meeting.
Rules and Regulations,
You did not check the Scriptures I cited (Mathew 13:24-30). It implies God acts to benefit ALL His children, not to any individual here and there. (Mathew 19:28; Romans 2:11)
study article 50. listen to the voice of the fine shepherd.
9 consider an experience that illustrates how jehovah can care for our material needs.
a couple in full-time service drove over an hour in their old car to pick up some sisters living at a refugee center and take them to a christian meeting.
"And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground." (Luke 22:44) God did not fulfill what Jesus prayed for.
is bible prophecy now starting to come true regarding a prelude to the great tribulation?.
full disclosure: i still don't believe in the bible's claims about the existence of the supernatural, even of jehovah god (i'm an atheist and a scientific/philosophical naturalist), but i am asking this question because recent events are starting to seem (to me) to fit well the description of some prophecies in the bible.
consider the following.. several hours ago (on 11-26-2021) as i was about to enter a local fred meyer store of my city (in suburb or small city in the metro area of a large city) a person i know told me that a moment earlier a person left the store in a hurry with a cart load up with unpaid merchandise (i think i was told it was groceries but i don't remember that for sure).
You said “No one will be able to anticipate the timing; it will take place in normal times, with people working at their jobs, marrying and being given in marriage; it will be a total surprise, an event one should be ready for at all times...precisely because there will be no signs of his second coming (parousia).”
You have ignored description of “Last Days” in Luke which is truer than that of Mathew because Luke compared all available manuscripts and took only what is true. (Luke 1:1-3) After describing all the global signs such as pandemics, world wars, sea-level rise, Jesus said: “People will faint from terror [thus they are not taken by surprise], apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” He told them this parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.” (Luke 21:26-31)
Noticeable thing is that Luke removed Jesus’ supposed comparing the situation with that of Noah’s time. This is because Jesus never mentioned about Noah’s destruction as it has never happened (compare Mathew 13:24-30) After saying “mankind was made in the image of God” (Genesis 5:1) we find in the very next chapter God repenting about His creating mankind on earth because they have become wicked from their very core, hence HE supposedly wiped that generation (Genesis chapter 6). This is unlikely to happen, and Noah’s Flood is a cooked up story, adopted from other cultures and was put in wrong place. This explains why OT prophets are not aware of such global flood that destroyed mankind except one family.
is bible prophecy now starting to come true regarding a prelude to the great tribulation?.
full disclosure: i still don't believe in the bible's claims about the existence of the supernatural, even of jehovah god (i'm an atheist and a scientific/philosophical naturalist), but i am asking this question because recent events are starting to seem (to me) to fit well the description of some prophecies in the bible.
consider the following.. several hours ago (on 11-26-2021) as i was about to enter a local fred meyer store of my city (in suburb or small city in the metro area of a large city) a person i know told me that a moment earlier a person left the store in a hurry with a cart load up with unpaid merchandise (i think i was told it was groceries but i don't remember that for sure).
then jesus said to his disciples: “truly i say to you that it will be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens.
again i say to you, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god.” (mathew 19:23, 24, https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/study-bible/books/matthew/19/) for jesus both “kingdom of heaven and kingdom of god” are interchangeable—they are one and the same.
when earth comes again under god’s rulership, earth becomes a “kingdom of heaven.” (mathew 5:3, 5) “those poor in spirit” are defined as those having no self-importance or egoless (mathew 16:24) and “the meek” too are egoless.
then jesus said to his disciples: “truly i say to you that it will be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens.
again i say to you, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god.” (mathew 19:23, 24, https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/study-bible/books/matthew/19/) for jesus both “kingdom of heaven and kingdom of god” are interchangeable—they are one and the same.
when earth comes again under god’s rulership, earth becomes a “kingdom of heaven.” (mathew 5:3, 5) “those poor in spirit” are defined as those having no self-importance or egoless (mathew 16:24) and “the meek” too are egoless.
then jesus said to his disciples: “truly i say to you that it will be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens.
again i say to you, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god.” (mathew 19:23, 24, https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/study-bible/books/matthew/19/) for jesus both “kingdom of heaven and kingdom of god” are interchangeable—they are one and the same.
when earth comes again under god’s rulership, earth becomes a “kingdom of heaven.” (mathew 5:3, 5) “those poor in spirit” are defined as those having no self-importance or egoless (mathew 16:24) and “the meek” too are egoless.