This has nothing to do with “abomination that causes desolation” mentioned in Mathew 24:15 which JWs mistook as UN. Governments or their any representative body cannot become abomination because they are collectively called "servant of God." (Romans 13:1-6) This is because they reward the good people and punish the criminals (Proverbs 21:1) Thus does the will of God on earth.
Religious leaders are called ‘brood of viper’ or serpent (Mathew 12:34; Luke 3:7) because they distort the true picture of God (Mathew 15:9; 23:13) and Law of Consequence (Mark 5:24-25), yet claim to be positioned in holy place. Original serpent suggested ‘God is an obstacle on your path to your ultimate progress which can be achieved only by rejecting His laws. They rejected laws such as Monogamy, and Vegetarian Diet (Genesis 1:29; 6:2; 10:9) which means they went after violence. Hence Jesus compared pre-flood world as being engrossed in “eating, drinking and marrying”—thus he deliberately left out any literally violent or wicked acts by men. (Mathew 24:37-39) For God even refusal to love is also “an act of violence and faithlessness.” (Malachi 2:16)
Religion continues to sanctify animal killings which God considers as an ABOMINATION which would automatically make killing of a human for sacrificial purpose EVEN MORE ABOMINATION in the eyes of God. (Isaiah 66:3-4) Through the celebrated teaching of Ransom Sacrifice of Jesus, God is presented as an incapable driver who uninsightfully drove his vehicle (creation) into an unknown and difficult terrain and did not know how to reverse and to put the vehicle on track again. He needed the help of Jesus who thus first became the Saviour of GOD HIMSELF and later Saviour of mankind who put faith in such act of ABOMINATION. (Mathew 24:15)
Hence wrong understanding + another wrong understanding would only make a big wrong!