punkofnice6 minutes ago
yes back in the 19th century and very early in the 20 century the JW org was not worldwide and they certainly needed some adjustments, these have been corrected.
Would you afford this privilege of allowing 'adjustments' to other religions? EG, the catholic church and the comfy chair...er I mean the spanish inquisition..as an example? If not, why not?
The only modern source you quoted was that 1970's WT
But if the watchtower is gods mouthpiece as they claim, it doesn't matter what year quotes are from. The fact that adjustments are needed proves that god isn't in the mix. It would have been far easier for god to get it right first time.
Who else is united all around the world like JW's?
Uniformity isn't unity. There is a lot of pretense in the watchtower corporation that is face value only.
Who else is united? You really haven't looked, have you!
One question I'd ask is, Why does watchtower corporation hide paedophiles and not report tham to the proper authorities?
Have another go, mate. Dare to scratch below the surface. That's what I did as an elder and the results horrified me. I realised quickly that the watchtower corporation was just a big business using the cover of religion to scam money out of people.
So in the late 1800's Br Russell had to get everything spot on accurate and understand the entire bible straight away?
Yes ofcourse we should afford this privilege of allowing 'adjustments' to other religions. What if Muslims said they wouldnt actually get 70 virgins in paradise when they blew themselves up in a suicide attack ! Everybody should be pleased?
About the love among themselves, yes JWs do actually have love amung themselves all around the world in every tribe and nation. As we said before the Mormans are the only other org who come close but no where near as close.