have you been paying much attention to the contamination issue at Warwick? did you read about the crane crash there? do you realise the amount of rectification work on KH builds all over the world that is required due to unqualified and unskilled workers taking on jobs the are completely ill equipped to do so, costing many thousands of £$? per congregation, have you ever been to the Bows Road Assembly Hall? LOL !
Yes I go to Bows Road twice a year, its a beautiful place. I have volunteered on building projects since I was very young, I think you are wrong to disagree with me that the KH's and Assembly halls and Bethel buildings are often times the most beautiful buildings in the areas?
The Eden Project in Chelmsford? LOL
Yes the Farm of Eden some are calling it.
Can anybody find out the truth about all that land? some are saying the worldly farmers are going to be farming it for the Jw's? Some others are saying no it will all be farmed by the volunteers? Can anybody find out the truth from somebody who knows?