Former Brother In whàt way was the Anglican Church debunked ? Because we don't do door to door ? That has been dealt with , it is not necessary to preach in that way . ln fact Jesus said not to do that . You simply cannot let go of JW indoctrination can you ? I wonder what you are trying to achieve on here . You admit problems with the WT , then use it as a yard stick by which to measure other denominations . l think that you are trying to talk yourself back into a KH , but know that there is so much wrong with the org . Jan
Jan, where did Jesus say not to preach door to door? I think you will find this is exactly what he wanted. Not just that way, but the last thing he said on earth was Math28:19,20, to go therefor and make disciples of people of all the nations.
I do not see the Anglican faith doing this.
Which problems do I admit with Jehovah's Witnesses? I admit to imperfect humans making mistakes, but you cant blame Jehovah for this. He has given us all free will, and the option to choose.