Doubtfully Yours7 days ago
The alternative to being a JW.... Hmmmm... Please allow me to fantasize....
Weekdays: Waking up each day without being concerned with reading a 'daily text' with Biblical passages and all, which takes up a good 15 mins. Just being able to wake up, exercise, shower then dress up and get to work would be nice.
Not being concerned with giving a 'good witness' to co-workers, or looking awkward when someone sneezes. Participating in as many holiday/charity/etc.-related activities with co-workers; I work with a very fun and active bunch. Ohhh.... would be so very nice.
Leaving work peacefully and not having to rush home with food picked up along the way and get ready for an awful boring religious meeting; such waste of precious time. So much better to spend a few days stopping at the gym right after work, or just arriving home peacefully to unwind, cook a meal together, watch favorite shows, take pets to park/beach, prepare for work next day, etc. Just freaking relax.... REEEELAX! That would be so nice.
Weekends: Sleep or hang around in bed for as long as one wishes without being concerned with rushing to get ready for 'service' or a religious meeting. Make breakfast and start the morning nicely while outlining the plan for the day, be it do house/yard work, hobbies/gym/etc. When it is all said and done, enjoy a movie or some entertainment event of personal choice. Ohhh... would be nice.
Sounds like a very fulfilling purposeful life right there mate,
When you grow old and look back on your life you will think, what was the point of that? What is the purpose of life. Old Jws die very happy and contented, not fearing death at all. Because this is not the real life.
It must be very hard for those who leave the turht. It would have been better if you had never known the truth.
A bit like that rebel in the Matrix films, he says to the Agent, "I want to remember nothing" "nothing!"
You can never go back to the matrix.
All the ex JWs are desperate to think of an alternative. Anything,, evolution, agnostic, hell even some other false religion part of Babylon the great.
This is the point of this thread, which other option? After all the many replies, there has not been one clear concise answer.
I think its because the truth is clear.
Oh and by the way, you cant go back to the Matrix, but once you know the truth you can be free of Satans lies.
Come back to Jehovah and study the Bible with an open mind. Think for yourself, read the bible everyday, your relationship the the creator Jehovah God is nobody else business, its between you and him.
But do not deceive yourself with the lies and propaganda that is much of the nonsense on this forum.
Can anybody answer my original question with a clear satisfying answer? If Jws have not got the truth, then -What is the alternative?