"I don't believe in god, but neither do I care about evolution." Punk, does this mean you havent decided yet what you believe, or you just dont care?
Either there was a creator or you believe in chance, evolution?
What other option is there?
"I live in the here and now. I survive the moment. How we got here is no longer relevant once the penny dropped that it makes no difference. We'll die. End of. No one will care in 100 years time about who I was."
So we have established that no other organisation comes close to the truth from the bible, or we would have mentioned them clearly by now in this thread.
So I get the impression that one alternative from JWs is to just not care? Dont think about it too much, maybe the bible is right maybe not. Maybe there is an intelligent creator maybe there isnt?
This doesnt make any sense to me. At some point in a persons life they wonder what is the purpose of life, why are we here? Why is there so much suffering on Earth?
The Bible gives truthful answers, but if you dont care if its true or not then you will never get to the truth.