To say this whole creation thing has been or will be a success at the end is absurd. Not only did one third of the angels jump ship to Satans side. But Adam and Eve screwed up so quickly. Even before Adam and Eve sinned. Satan had turned on God. So it's really not gone well for him so far.
Ok we get to Armageddon and billions are killed. Let's not forget all the people who died during Noah's time. Then after the 1000 year reign of Jesus it says Satan will be let out, and the people who Satan will get to turn from God and go to attack his people will be as the sands of the earth. So we can pretty much imagine, billions again if not trillions if that's possible. So then they are all dead.
Then God wont bring to mind the former things. Yeah because what an embarrassment and a total failure its been for God. The angels that will live with God and have seen all this, must have face palmed themselves so hard, so many times. For God after all this, feel it's ok to put his feet up, relax and feel proud of any of this, is Nuts!