When I was a kid, I was occasionaly attend to baptism at conventions, and I remember that brothers who immerses candidates in the water, said: "right hand to nose, left hand to right hand, and I baptise you in the name of the father, son and holy spirit, amen". I remeber that same mantra at my baptism too, back in the eighties. But, some years ago, I was asked to help to move some props around baptism pool, so I attend to baptism after so many years - there was no "in the name of the..." part. I asked a nearby elder, why is that? and he gave me look like I said something nasty, and he said: "we don't use that phrase for decades, dude..."
So, I missed that "new light" or what? Is there some official instruction about that change? It should be in the late eighties or nineties. I tried to search here on forum, but can't find anything.
Posts by btlc
In the name of the...
by btlc inwhen i was a kid, i was occasionaly attend to baptism at conventions, and i remember that brothers who immerses candidates in the water, said: "right hand to nose, left hand to right hand, and i baptise you in the name of the father, son and holy spirit, amen".
i remeber that same mantra at my baptism too, back in the eighties.
but, some years ago, i was asked to help to move some props around baptism pool, so i attend to baptism after so many years - there was no "in the name of the..." part.
The "circle" of the earth
by stillin ina fair bit of time was spent discussing the (one) scripture in the bible that "proves" that when the bible touches on scientific subjects, it is absolutely correct.
this was at the most recent clam meeting this past week.
from isaiah, the reference to the "circle" of the earth.
Not so much later (3rd century BC), pagan Greek Eratosthenes: he is best known for being the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth, which he did by applying a measuring system using stadia, a standard unit of measure during that time period. His calculation was remarkably accurate. He was also the first to calculate the tilt of the Earth's axis (again with remarkable accuracy). Additionally, he may have accurately calculated the distance from the Earth to the Sun and invented the leap day. He created the first map of the world, incorporating parallels and meridians based on the available geographic knowledge of his era.
But, he wasn't the one of the Jehovah's apointed prophets, so who cares about him... -
Today's Text - Justifying The Increase Of Annointed Ones!
by Divergent inthursday, august 31. jehovah knows those who belong to him.—2 tim.
2:19.. in recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of those partaking at the memorial of christ’s death.
that trend contrasts with the decrease in the number of partakers that we saw for many decades.
Just A Thought Regarding The Bunker Video
by pale.emperor inas ridiculous as the bunker video was, a few things popped into my consciousness as i was riding the train today.
firstly, why did they go to all the expense and effort to not only create a bunker, but to furnish it like a living room complete with coffee table, armchair, shelves etc?
i mean, a bunker should be a bunker... boxes of tinned food, tools, medical supplies, emergency gear etc.
Bunker or basement, that's the question... i'm not a native english speaker so i don't know what thoughts or associations that terms means to you. I live in former socialist state, and many socialist countries had vivid movie production, but all that productions had to go trought The Party censorship, so many movies ended sealed and archived in "the bunker" - they came out to public years or decades later, depends on current politics. So, when i saw "the bunker JW video" caption, my very first thought was the movie made by JW.org but banned by GB :)
Just A Thought Regarding The Bunker Video
by pale.emperor inas ridiculous as the bunker video was, a few things popped into my consciousness as i was riding the train today.
firstly, why did they go to all the expense and effort to not only create a bunker, but to furnish it like a living room complete with coffee table, armchair, shelves etc?
i mean, a bunker should be a bunker... boxes of tinned food, tools, medical supplies, emergency gear etc.
Doomsday cult paranoia.
10:20 - "Where would I be if I did not have faith?" - maybe somewhere on the fresh air?
11:40 - "And your faith has led you here..." - to the basement trap.
And the bad@ss faces at the end - priceless... -
My jaw dropping OMG moment at the end of the convention
by UnshackleTheChains inyes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
Recent articles about homosexuality:
Awake! October 8. 2003
Awake! December 2010WT library links:
My jaw dropping OMG moment at the end of the convention
by UnshackleTheChains inyes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
: Am still in disbelief!Same here... i had "wtf" expression when speaker explained that "the generation" must be the ones who "saw with their own eyes and clearly understood what happened in 1914". WTF??? Since when they "clearly understood" what happened in 1914? Literaly nothing happened what they expected! They needed lumpy Rutherford to explain "what really happened in 1914" years later!
Stupid Illustration
by FedUpJW inso as i sit here listening to the sunday morning bs session the elder on the stage yapped about religion and that there can only be one religion leading to god.
he used the illustration of a bicycle wheel.
it has many spokes and they all lead to the center.
The problem with illustrations is that you can confirm anything no matter how stupid it is, if you just pick the right illustration. How that works? You have problem for which you seek a solution. And you don't solving the original problem, oh no, you simply pick completely diferent "problem" with known solution - that solution which fits your needs. After that, procedure is trivial, you just need to find or make up "connections" between original problem and the illustration, and map "the solution" from illustration to original problem, and voila, you solved the problem! Of course, that works only in JW fairy world...
1975 - JWs in other countries, not just the U.S. also knew about the prediction
by deegee ini have been wondering, if the 1975 prediction was just a rumour started by the rank & file as the wt claims, then how did jws in other countries, a part from the u.s., also come to know about the prediction?.
i started studying with the jws during the 80s when i was a child.
while attending one of my first meetings during that time, a brother commented during the wt study that armageddon did not come in 1975 because it was not known how many years after adam, eve was created.. at the time, i hadn't a clue what the guy was talking about.
Because 1975. was announced in "The Watchtower" magazines in all languages available in that time, that was the official teaching, not just a rumor.
No brain, No Life -- says JW Professor Rajesh Kalaria
by cognisonance inso continuing my review of the current bull shit my family in this cult are subjected to i found this article about professor rajesh kalaria, a jw since 1973 and a scientist who has studied the human brain for 40 years (hmm... so he converted into this cult very early in his career it seems).anyway i also found this jw broadcasting piece about him where he says:.
“and brain is what we are; what i am, what you are.
no brain, no life.
no brain, no life -- described the most of the JW i know...
btw, wasn't official WT teaching from 1970ies that the heart is the center of man's thoughts and the kidneys are the center of man's personality?