Once upon a time we had a foreign speaker at assembly, he always said 'epistle to 1st Chorinthians (Thessalonians, Timothy, Peter, John)' and 'epistle to 2nd ...' (in my language, that literary means "the first" and "the other" Chorinthians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Peter, John), instead of '1st or 2nd epistle to...'. Ofcourse, instead to correct him, some suckers started to talk same nonsense, it lasted for a few years.
Posts by btlc
Eldub that get stuck on a word or phrase!
by DwainBowman ineldub that get stuck on a word!.
over the years i have been around a few, that if a "big" or "unusual" word or phrase is used at the assembly or by a co/do, to stress a point.
then eldub "somebody" will use it at every meeting, if they can find a way to squeeze it into a part or commit.. most of them get over it after a few meetings.
Jehovah's Witness dreams
by truthseeker ini'm pretty certain i'm not the only one here who experiences this.. i occasionally have jw dreams.
the most recent one was me giving a talk in my home congregation.
all i had on was my trousers (pants), socks and shoes.
Sometimes I have dreams about going to field service, but much often about conventions held at unusual places, like hospitals, my old school, beaches, camps and so, we all sitting in waiting rooms or we seat everywhere around, with GB talks on the monitors at every corner. And I trying to find lavatory, or just some privacy to relief myself somewhere in the nature, but i can't, always someone opstruct me till I wake up with full bladder...
Girls are unpredictable, materialist, and use us, men, as a toy - Part 3
by will-be-apostate ina year ago i had a rough time and posted this .
it was a controversial topic, some people got offended by my overly boastful tone, others offered help.
i appreciate any kind of opinion and i try to correct the flaws in my personality.
You did a good job in a year!
284000 baptized in 2017
by jw-verite inseen in the 03/2018 watchtower study :.
"during the 2017 service year, more than 284,000 “rightly disposed” individuals symbolized their dedication to jehovah by water baptism.".
"the-door-is-closing-baptize-now-or-die" effect
March 2018 Study Watchtower
by Listener inthe first study article is about getting bible studies and children baptized.
there is much more emphasis placed on parents to get their own children baptized rather than focusing on bible students.
they try to impress on others the need for urgency.
Even God's son must waited till he was 30 to get baptized! He first finished his school, finished the training for job, made some business as carpenter, optionaly travel the world (to India and back), optionaly made some kids on the way, and THEN decided to get baptized. What a wonderfull example to follow!
Pale.Emperor Meets The Mormons
by pale.emperor inwhen i was a jw i was fascinated with the mormon religion.
i never believed a word of it of course, but i was interested in their religion like most boys were interested in star wars.
i’ve read the book of mormon, doctrine & covenants, pearl of great price, book of abraham, watched their videos, read critical books by ex mormons etc etc… (strange at the time that i never did this with my own religion!
Ten years ago two of them came to my door and left The Book of Mormon and some pamphlets. I read a first hundred pages till their next visit, and i noticed some chapters from The Book of Isaiah. Pamphlet said that J. Smith translated that text 1827 AD from original golden plates buried in 421 BCE. Wow, i said, that should be the oldest and the most accurate bible text. A little googling shows me just a KJV copy/paste, with all mistranslations and errors acceptable for early 17. century, but not for angel's guided, urim and thumim supported translation. And how ffs plates buried in 5th century BCE and dug out in 19th century AD can contain a text compiled in the mean time, in the 17th century AD, anyway? When i pointed to that, those two guys just standed up and they went away and never came back. And i lost my chance to improve my english for free...
Is There a TV Show or Movie That You Just NeverGet Sick Of?
by minimus ini love the rifleman!
i’ve seen it a million times and still will watch it !
and goodfellas, the movie as well as the sopranos.
Fawlty Towers
Allo, Allo
Only Fools and Horses
You Rang M'Lord
Benny Hill Show
Married With Children
- all of above i have captured on VCR or original DVD's, day is not over until we watch at least one episode from that list (substitute for reading Daily Scriptures together)
Help with a punchline please
by usualusername1 ini have a joke in my comedy routine about never wrapping a gift in my life.
it goes like this..... yesterday my girlfriend said "honey, when you go out shopping can you buy me sellotape?".
"I thought you already have one"
Science may answer the question: Is there a God?
by Old Navy in.
No, science (at least natural one) cannot answer is there a God or not, simply because God is beyond the reach of the science methods by definition. Further, entities and phenomena which cannot be captured by science tools are completely irrelevant to the science.
Russian Supreme Court - Parental rights to be denied those who involve their children in sects, extremist or terrorist organizations
by OrphanCrow inthe children of russian jehovah's witnesses face removal from their family if their parents continue to indoctrinate the children and engage them in religious activity.*.
*not yet in force but soon to be.
Another chapter in long history of russian governments represure.