That's funny, it seems that former and fading JWs are more interested and updated with JW internal materials than average elder!
Posts by btlc
Service Department Reminder!
by Atlantis inwas not sure if all of the friends got a copy of this.. .
service department reminder.. .
this reminder came in with the other gdpr boe.
Do You Ever Have Dreams You’re Still a JW?
by jp1692 inlast night i dreamt i was at a circuit assembly; i even had a walk-on speaking part early in the morning program.
i spent the rest of the day “working” the event in a security detail.
the dream lasted until the entire day’s program was over.
I dream sometimes assemblies on strange places, like hospital, we are all accommodate in rooms and watch convention program on TV, and hospital staff treat us like patients. Or we are on the beach, casualy dressed, watching program on beach cinema. I usually wake up unsuccesfully searching some private place to tinkle. Last week I was dreamed that I'm in the field service, I rang on the door and then panic started - no Bible, no literature, nothing to offer and nothing to say, but I managed to wake up before door opened...
Watchtower hires off-duty law enforcement
by Diogenesister inan indignant law enforcement officer wrote kim & mikey to let them know watchtower had placed an advertisement on a facebook page dedicated to law enforcement staff only, looking to hire a fully uniformed and armed officer at $35 per hour.
the commission was for the memorial in a specified texan venue.. the officer was particularly miffed at the hypocrisy considering the terrible way law enforcement was portrayed in the 2018 convention video, where the jws had been herded into a field to be slaughtered by a large group of officers.
not to mention the fact they are only too willing to call police for their own protection, yet won’t do so when it comes to protecting children from potential or actual abuse..
I don't know how things works in USA, but here (SE Europe) large gatherings should be approved by local authorities, who also decides is internal security good enough or should be dedicated some police monitoring (uniformed or not) to the event. Same was also 30+ years ago, under socialistic regime, some policemen attended whole program, some just noon break, eating free lunch from convention bife...
Jehovah provides guidance in the publications and in programs from the faithful slave!
by stumbledbyothers inthis past weeks watchtower study, reminds us that jehovah provides guidance in the publications and in programs from faithful slave!
now you hear from the platform that god has given us jw broadcasting and
lets see: thought wt says they have no special connection to god, nor special knowledge, they get no extra holy spirit, gods thoughts higher than mans???
Do You Think The Bible Teaches A Trinity As Religions Teach?
by minimus ini’m not asking whether you believe in the bible.
i just want your opinion as to whether you think the bible teaches it.
i don’t, for what it’s worth..
Once upon on a time when I still was uber JW, I had a discussion with one Catholic priest, and i still remember his comment about the Trinity: "it was so obvious to the apostles and to the 1st century Church, so they didn't even bother to put it on paper or to make formal definition - that need became later, with spreading Christianity worldwide. And you can't lock Christ's Church to 27 NT books or to the 1st century, it is a live organism..."
Ofcourse, I rejected such apologetic blabber in that time. But later reading of the Cathecism gave me better insight to Catholic reasoning - it has far more inner sense than any WT teaching, despite both are completly b...s... -
How Would You Help A JW. Recognize They Do Not Have The Truth?
by minimus inevery witness says they are “ in the truth”.
that expression implies that what they say is the “truth “.
how could you help a witness understand that they clearly do not have “the truth “?.
Deuteronomy 20:21, 22
Galatians 1:8, 9
with some examples, usually works
Sign at gilead graduation
by Gorbatchov inyou know, i'm not such a conspiracy thinker.
but why do they display this sign / symbol at the background?
with some litle imagination it is a freemason sign.
It is a table with a tablecloth, to make a more intimate atmosphere, it is easier to draw one than actually bring one
You Don't Have to Tell the Elders Anything!
by minimus inif you were ever brought before a judicial committee, and were about to be interrogated by the elders, just owe them nothing.
they are mere men and no better than you!
even if it wasn’t a judicial interrogation , you should never feel obligated to them.
Opening post should be printed and nailed to congregation's clipboard!
You might have been a JW if...
by Incognigo Montoya in... unlike the rest of humanity, you looked forward to mondays because it was a day off from a meeting..
... if you spent all day on football stadium and didn't saw a single football.
Door-to-door preaching as surveillance
by john.prestor ini wanted to share some thoughts about jehovah's witnesses and their door-to-door preaching.
door-to-door preaching is supposedly about gathering converts, but in fact, as we frequently discuss, doesn't actually bring that many "sheep-like ones" in.
i want to suggest that a second meaning (what we call the latent meaning in academia) is facilitating surveillance of the congregants who attend some congregation.
Back in eighties, when I was young and foolish and active in ministry, and when I started with database programming, I sometime daydreamed about hundreds and thousands of JW, who browse territory daily, making detailed notes about people (and their assets), their behavior, habits, state, feelings, thoughts... and collect all that data in a database, regularly updated, and how much would that database worth in a few years and who will be interested in that... WT could made billions just selling data back in time when that things wasn't regulated or prohibited :)