... unlike the rest of humanity, you looked forward to Mondays because it was a day off from a meeting.
You might have been a JW if...
by Incognigo Montoya 41 Replies latest jw friends
...if you don't know how to wrap a present.
, , , , , you have 12 suits in the closest despite having a blue collar job.
You go to Home Depot, knock on an empty door, and stand there for 15 minutes.
Rub a Dub
I love these; they always come up every so often.
...If you have no life at the weekends .
...If you have no say about your own life
You go to Home Depot, knock on an empty door, and stand there for 15 minutes.
If someone asks you what your doing.........you can say your practicing!
You might have been a JW if you knocked on a door got invited in and the homeowner asks what did you want to tell him.
You answer: "I don't know I've never got this far before."
Incognigo Montoya
When other kids at school bitched about going to church, you thought, "you have no idea..."
you see someone sneeze close by and say absolutely nothing.
... if you spent all day on football stadium and didn't saw a single football.