Maybe he was counseled to turn down a whiskey, and now he's trying some alternatives, French cognac or so...
Posts by btlc
France Paris International convention
by keinlezard inhi everyones, .
this weekend the 3 days convention ... .
around 37500 jw and 265 baptized ... 0.7% :) .
International conventions and natiionalism
by joey jojo ini have been seeing a few international conventions posted here and on social media.
i can't help but notice what seems like blatant nationalism in terms of dress, greetings, welcome signs.
am i right or have i simply turned into a hyper sensitive loser that is reading too much into things?
I think that national identity perception differ from region to region (talking about JW community). In example, in ex Yu exist a dozen of different ethnicities at relatively small area, with turbulent past (i.e. WWII and 1990ies) and still unsolved issues. For decades we teach that one must forget and overcome their own nationality once you become part of God's people. But, a few years ago we had Special Convention, with "convetion program" including presentations of different nationalities (music, dances, food, wardrobe, etc.). Some had to pretend to be of the other nationality just to fill the gap in the program. It was all fake, people who never care about their own nationality (not to mention other's) had to pretend to be something that not fit to them. On the other hand, we have a nice couple from Austria, serving as CO more than 30 years in our area, and she wear the "dirndl" pretty often all the time, even to the meetings, and no one found that as the problem (maybe because she was really cute in that outfit :) )
Nº 001 Subliminal na literatura da Watchtower
by inolha, se você é uma testemunha de jeová:.
Maybe she never learned that she stumbled some of the angels and made them fall from the heaven...
Nº 001 Subliminal na literatura da Watchtower
by inolha, se você é uma testemunha de jeová:.
Apropos "Live Forever", I think this is more interesting, French actress Pascale Petit:
Watchtower Online Library Cannot Access on Website without downloading?
by blondie ini tried accessing the watchtower online library and get a new screen (i have not created an account, just click on the link below: note how it comes up.
is there something wrong with my link or have they changed it to block out people without an account?
i was able up until this morning to login without an account.
you're welcome
Watchtower Online Library Cannot Access on Website without downloading?
by blondie ini tried accessing the watchtower online library and get a new screen (i have not created an account, just click on the link below: note how it comes up.
is there something wrong with my link or have they changed it to block out people without an account?
i was able up until this morning to login without an account.
works same as always, no restrictions on any level... Try to delete cookies, history, temporary files, etc. of your web browser, idk...
Edit: i'm accessing without login
International convention in Poland
by FadeToBlack inget ready for the big time!
my wife has already been to several special training sessions this year in preparation for the big event.
several saturday sessions at the assembly hall in warsaw.
Some years ago there was a Special Convention in my country (ex YU, many ethnicity with turbulent past mixed in relatively small area), and "convention program" included presentation each of them - culture, folk costumes, music and food, etc. In some cases, brothers and sisters had to pretend to be of the other ethnicity, just to fill the gap in the program, most of the appointed never before had any interest or idea about their own ethnicity and culture (let alone to others), and there they are, over night, jumping with tambourine in peasant's robe like clowns, explainig the differents between "this" and "that" - same people who teach for decades that you must forget your ethnicity once you joined to God's people. But if GB clowns says "dance", let's dance...
Question- do JWs use the term overlapping generations
by Xanthippe in... or is that one of our memes?
Imagine some PIMO make public speech about the topic using wikipedia for outline :)
What the heck is this all about?
by HiddenPimo insorry - but can anyone substantiate some truth to this article or is it all a mess?.
It seems like synopsis for the new Tarantino's movie :)
Two JW`s called at my door today
by smiddy3 inthe wife and i were expecting a health worker to call at our door 10:30 this morning and about 10;35 two women appeared at our door so i opened up thinking they were who i expected ,so i was take back a bit being caught off guard when they identified themselves as doing a bible work.. this is just the gist of what took place & not a word for word conversation.. a woman about in her fifties her companion about her twenties.the older woman did most of the talking as she read to me the scripture from her phone " in the last days critical times hard to deal with...etc.etc.and she went back and emphasised that we were living in the last days because of what that scripture said.. i made the comment that the scripture just about sums up human history in any given time.then i went on to say that this day and age is the best time in human history overall given the advances in technology ,medical procedures ,the overall standard of living being higher and so on .but they insisted on we were living in the last days.then i said different religions have been claiming that for the past couple hundred years.. then to throw them a curve ball i asked if they were mormons ?
oh no we are jehovah`s witnesses.had i been prepared for them and not caught out unawares i would have taken a different tact.i then asked the older woman how long she has been a witness and she said 36 years so i then said to her you must have seen a lot of changes in your religion during that time which she agreed with.
( the light gets brighter).
Actually, they weren't wrong much. C.T.Russell never planed or intended a "religion" or "organization" like JW.borg, and his belives was quite different than JW's in 1930's and later. Some years after his death, in the 1920's, especially after 1925 fiasco, 3/4 of the Bible Students left "The Watchtower", and the rest (of the rest) received new name, "Jehovah's Witnesses" 1931 by the Rutherford, who has usurpated "The Watchtower" society for personal benefits and promotion and who established "the organization" as we know today. Of course, I doubt that your ladies know anything of the above. I doubt that they even know who is who.