kid-A I know of 2-3 JWs that were suddenly "annointed"
With my mom it's kind of a "chicken or the egg" thing. Which came first.
Thinking back over the years I can remember times when I thought my mom was...overreacting a bit.
is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
ive been gone a long time without much internet access.
a good thing or notdont know, but!
kid-A I know of 2-3 JWs that were suddenly "annointed"
With my mom it's kind of a "chicken or the egg" thing. Which came first.
Thinking back over the years I can remember times when I thought my mom was...overreacting a bit.
is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
ive been gone a long time without much internet access.
a good thing or notdont know, but!
Her apartment had a state-of-the-art alarm system and as many locks as a fortress. Still, people were somehow breaking in to mess with her goods and spy on her.
The overseers’ wife called me to tell me that my mother was tying strings around the doorknobs to keep whomever out as well as tying strings around the gas tank because people were stealing her gas while out in service. Thank god she isn’t driving anymore.
As for being health conscience, she is obsessed with doctoring herself. She spent years studying herbs and has a cure for everything. She will be the first one to tell you she has some sort of illness even though a doctor won’t agree with her diagnosis. She self medicates.
is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
ive been gone a long time without much internet access.
a good thing or notdont know, but!
"It wasn't until she was refusing to eat, because her demonized JW friends were trying to poison her"
My mom knew for sure that someone poisoned the well water and even after I took a sample of the water ...and her, to the department of health for testing she STILL didn’t believe it was safe. It might not be safe to drink but she still thinks people are trying to poison her. ESPECIALLY doctors. Doctors are a part of the government who in turn are part of the wicked system of things therefore out to get the anointed. Simple logic.
is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
ive been gone a long time without much internet access.
a good thing or notdont know, but!
You may want to call her dr. and let them know what is going on or go with her on next visit.
Thanks for your input. I’m glad you were able to get help for your mom. I wish I could do the same for mine. I spent a year crying and sobbing and now I am approaching it differently in order to save my own sanity.
She will not see a doctor. Period. I did force her to go to a doctor last year but unless I declare her unstable legally, nothing can be done. I can't do that.
I’ve spoken to social services and there is nothing that can be done unless she hurts someone. That could happen. She took my sons ax away and hid from him when he was chopping wood for the fireplace. She refuses to give it back.
is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
ive been gone a long time without much internet access.
a good thing or notdont know, but!
I wish there was a way to get her to take medication without force but it's highly unlikely that will ever happen. My problem now with this it the reason she believes she is anointed? Perhaps she has always had the illness but able to maintain until these past recent years.
Is you mom a jw?
is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
ive been gone a long time without much internet access.
a good thing or notdont know, but!
"On the plus side, you have already planted seeds around that she is nuts, "
Actually, no I haven't.
I was called on by her congregation elders, neighbors and relatives to do something about my mother. 2 years ago everyone told me she was either nuts or the house is possessed and causing her to act crazy and do crazy things. She is spying on people now because she wants to catch them spying on her. Catch them in the act.
I argued with everyone that she was probably just blowing people off in some sarcastic way. I was 3000 miles away and unable to speak to her any longer because she refused to allow a phone in the house. I was quite angry with a lot of people for a long time. Things change even if we don’t like it.
is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
ive been gone a long time without much internet access.
a good thing or notdont know, but!
Yes, It's my mom and it hurts to see her this way. I have to deal with it however I can and not fall apart.
The last time I went into the house it was to set up a new DVD player for her because her VCR is eating tapes. She thought I was trying to plug in a recording device to spy on her and punched me in the face. I got a black eye while holding a DVD player in my arms.
It is not my intention to be disrespectful. I believe it is the teachings of the wtbts that have fueled her paranoia and because of what she has been taught for so many years she will not even consider getting “medical” help. EVERYONE and I do mean EVERYONE right now is demonized. Even the elders. No one is escaping her belief of what bible prophecy has in store for her personally.
is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
ive been gone a long time without much internet access.
a good thing or notdont know, but!
"Do you think she has alzhiemers? or some other aging dementia? Has she seen a doctor? Has her handwriting changed? Maybe she had a mini stroke or something. "
She will not, I repeat NOT allow a doctor to examine her other then to check her blood pressure. Yes…she is either suffering from dementia or Delusions. She is most certainly paranoid . I would think dementia is lower on the list of possibilities simple because she knows whom what where etc.
She is seeing things, hearing voices etc. In her mind the voices talking to her are demons and or angles/holy spirit…whatever.
"A question for you from a non jw- are you saying that most jw's believe that many of the annointed suffer some sort of mental illness? Is this a widespread belief?"
I couldn’t say what the widespread belief is but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a wide spread belief from what I’ve gathered personally. It isn’t the first time I’ve heard that. plum
is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
ive been gone a long time without much internet access.
a good thing or notdont know, but!
Perhaps this section wasn't the best choice to post this. When I went to the active topics page, “private” is next to the header. If it can be moved to a better category that would be great.
is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
ive been gone a long time without much internet access.
a good thing or notdont know, but!
Good God! Is my mother really anointed or skitzso?
I’ve been gone a long time without much Internet access. A good thing or not…don’t know, BUT! It has given me the opportunity to see a lot of things from a whole new perspective with regard to a particular subject in jwizzum, that being “anointment”
This past year I have been through more then I want to think about but the one thing I cannot…not think about is how do I feel about my mother being anointed. Is she or is she just nuts? I just don’t know anymore. Actually I do know. She is nuts. But! Is she anointed?
I discussed this confidentially with a couple members of her congregation and was given similar explanations: “You know Paul suffered with mental illness as well” and “Many of the anointed suffer from mental illness and or depression”. yur point! I wanted to respond with but remained polite because, well, if you’re a jw you know darn well why just being polite is the best response sometimes…most the time…all the time.
I believed my mom to truly be anointed all my life simply because that’s what I was taught for one thing plus she has always had…exceptional knowledge of the bible. She never completely trusted anything and everything that was taught by the wtbts even though she remained very loyal. She would make excuses for stupid things written by them and find a prophecy somewhere to explain it away.
These past 2+ years she has gone kookoo. She thinks everyone is out to harm her now and has basically drowned inside the bible with prophecy to the point of making them personal. For the first time in my life I cannot talk to my own mother. I made the grave mistake of trying to reason with her and OH MY GOD I bashed the wbts to her face so now she is convinced I’m possessed and Satan is using me to break her down.
This is the first time I am trying to post about all this in hope of getting some response that will help me feel not so out there alone in the twilight zone. Not everyone can relate but there is a better chance of relating here then at social services.
Is there anyone on the forum who has parents or grandparents or whatever that are anointed with mental illness? Please post, I’d like to come back to this in a day or 2 and read about experiences.
My mom is 77 years old, anointed about 50 or so years.