Have a Happy New Year!
Have a Happy New Year!
Its my birth day as of 8 mins ago. I don't know how old I am. hehehehe.
a recent post about moses got me thinking about all the wierd things in the bible that are just stated, but never explained.
sure different religions make up excuses for these things, but for some reason god and/or the bible writers, didn't find it neccesary to explain it.. here's one of my favorites, it's the one with the talking donkey: .
22 and the anger of god began to blaze because he was going; and jehovahs angel proceeded to station himself in the road to resist him.
With the talking donkey, perhaps the message is when you assume you make an ass of yourself.
Of course he was riding a “she” ass since women are more stubborn? insightful? then men. Wink.
is this where the watchtower is headed ???.
appears all the annoited class (pre 1935) are pretty much gone, or not coherent.. with the 24 elder idea in the january 2007 wathctower, will the annoited class not be needed during armageddon, or will all 144,000 be with jesus when armageddon comes, hey thats a good idea watchtower, i should be on the governing body..
all the 144k die as martyrs and are part of the first resurrection
That was my understanding as well, not necessarily my belief.
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To answer your question more specifically, it seems that the earliest angelologies put the archangels above seraphim and cherubim.
Thank You ALL for your responses. I tried to reply to each but lost my entire response to the dreaded error page.
I was happy as heck to log on and see some response! Thanks again.
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Is it JW belief that "archangels" are the most powerful of angels or not? Anybody know?
here's an oldie but goodie i thought you guys would get a kick out i felt like gettin all the ladies all riled up.
vindication i (book, 1931) pp.156-157 .
the women make monkeys or dupes of men.
"the real meaning is much different from that. It is a scheme of Satan"
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In Christian angelology, seraphim are the highest-ranking in the hierarchy of angels. In art they are often painted red, symbolizing fire. They appear in the Old Testament in a vision of Isaiah as six-winged creatures praising God. See also cherub.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: celestial hierarchy
Function: noun
: a traditional hierarchy of angels ranked from lowest to highest into the following nine orders: angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim
Archangels= next to the lowest
In Zoroastrianism the amesha spenta are arranged in a hierarchy of seven. Judaism and Christianity base their notion of angels on references in the Hebrew scriptures to divine servants and to the heavenly hosts.
Zoroastrianism and Parsiism
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Ancient religion that originated in Iran based on the teachings of Zoroaster.
Founded in the 6th century BCE, it influenced the monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It rejects polytheism, accepting only one supreme God, Ahura Mazda. In early Zoroastrianism, the struggle between good and evil was seen as an eternal rivalry between Ahura Mazda's twin sons, Spenta Mainyu (good) and Angra Mainyu (evil).
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The Watch Towers view of archangels.
Hi everyone, I haven’t been online for awhile. I know there have been many discussions on the topic of Jesus being Michael but I don’t remember anyone discussing the wt’s view on the hierarchy of angles in relation to Jesus other then “chief angel”.
I don’t know what the current stand is on Michael the Archangel but what I would like to know is, has the society ever given an explanation of why Gods first creation would be the next to the lowest on the totem pole of angles.
Can anyone share any material on the wts’s view on the hierarchy of angles and why they believe Michael, a “archangel” would have been Gods first creation?
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I have been trying to post this topic and keep getting the error page. I have no idea if this will submit this time or not...crossing fingers and toes, I'll keep trying.
formatting problems..sorry.