"keep his organization clean from harmful influences as
set out in the scriptures"
U are truly dazed and confused or in the very very least
if anyone can tell me how long it takes to be reinstated, i would greatly appreciate it.
years ago when i was a witness, it was determined by the individual's progress.
someone has relayed to me that it is now a mandatory minimum of 1 year.
"keep his organization clean from harmful influences as
set out in the scriptures"
U are truly dazed and confused or in the very very least
hey people, some of the posts recently are a little suspicious.
don't post name of people unless you really want to.
technically, if you name names, they can come after you for libel, methinks.
Very wise
sorry.... i'm chicken shit, ok?.
A post like this could go on for Months!
ashitaka, maybe you should consider putting
this on each page, TWice.[8>]
hi all you nice people,.
tonight and tomorrow till 2 pm.
(pstime) --several times--you should think.
Outhc Ouch Ow
patio34 wishing you a speedy recovery
to put things in perspective in relation to the pathetic and sordid trivial gossip of those whom i affectionately call: the phallic-worshipping accursed children of the apostasy, by far the worst, most problem-filled congregation that has ever existed, anywhere, anytime, was the corinthian congregation.
you name the problem---they had it.
you want shocking salacious sexual scandal?
if anyone can tell me how long it takes to be reinstated, i would greatly appreciate it.
years ago when i was a witness, it was determined by the individual's progress.
someone has relayed to me that it is now a mandatory minimum of 1 year.
One of my room mates was disfellowship'd and the
only time she really associated with(as far as showing up)
was to go to a wedding when it was someone close to her
family. The elders got in touch with her 1year later and
invited her back into the congergation. She said "No thanks".
this is a joke for all you texan posters.
i laughed so hard i was crying after reading this.
hopefully, this isn't an oldie that you have all heard before.. notes from an inexperienced chili taster named frank, who was visiting texas from boston.
ha ha ha ha ha That is funny,long but funny
I have some friends who are from Tx.I think i'll
print this out and send it to them.
or this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
It'l be a great day if and when this kinda crap
is a thing of the past.
Take care
or this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
well I do know that at least with one case, Not only did it NOT make matters worse but the creep ran away from home, to everyones delite.
from: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_502610.html?menu= .
scientists move closer to finding 'elixir of life' .
scientists working on a discovering an elixir of life say it has already worked on fruit flies.. the drug is said to increase longevity while maintaining youthful health.. us researchers are confident enough to be planning a new set of experiments on mice.
How can you tell when a fly farts?.........
...........He fly's strait