JoinedPosts by Anakin
2015-BOEs For Volunteers/Application Forms!
by Atlantis inclick the green download button.. .. re: simplified applications for expanded service .
.. application to become a member of the.
WT claims to have completed "Peak Construction Phase of New World Headquarters"
by wifibandit in
are they just moving the goal posts now that 2016 is almost upon us?.
JW Talk
by Alive! inwas sipping my coffee, browsing here and there, and then focussed on reading here regarding arc, picked up some world news on same subject - and wondered if jw org would publish any information on their news site.. then, i flicked to jw talk - anything in their public news forum?
a newish headline 'australia and jehovah's witnesses' or something like that - i entered link - web page error, not found.
Yes, stevie, you are right mI was aware of that, but I couldn't resist, it was stronger than myself, I felt myself in a prison, and their replies of the RC, all in favour of the policies of the JW, sometimes ignorant, was the breaking point for me..And I made a long reply based on evidence from the transcript from the RC.. And then the war was open with the moderators, and ended up to a banning .. They took immediately a conclusion that I was an adversary, in one day..after a few post.
. They sended me a PM, a confidential talk with the moderators, where The reason why they banned me is that we don"t fit with each others, like I said.. (This is absurd, because I never said it.) And suggested to wait a while until their concerns about me where answered..
But my answer was, that my concerns about JW talk where answered now, and that I also don't agree, with their system of warning points, and banning system, because to sensitive brothers and sisters it could create depressed feelings, after such threathment, of a so called JW forum,and therefore, they have to delete my account...
I am waiting for their answer, but I will never log in anymore in such a forum, where only worshippers of men, and the we are never wrong mentality is a predominant factor in the minds of the moderators..
I am happy to be here where freedom of speech is allowed, where we can dissagree, with respect for each other opinions , without beeing so controlled by moderators, in everything you post..
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JW Talk
by Alive! inwas sipping my coffee, browsing here and there, and then focussed on reading here regarding arc, picked up some world news on same subject - and wondered if jw org would publish any information on their news site.. then, i flicked to jw talk - anything in their public news forum?
a newish headline 'australia and jehovah's witnesses' or something like that - i entered link - web page error, not found.
Oeps, I have being banned from JW talk, because I said my honest opinion, about the fact, that I mentioned in a replie on the topic of the RC, that they have made mistakes, in the cases discussed by the RC, and that even when they are not obbligated they have to report it to the police, so that they can prevent, and protect children, against sexual abuse..
this morning, when I logged in, I saw I was banned, without an reasonable explanation. Given..and a PM of a member that said that he want tnot receive any PM's anymore from me..
I can now log in, but I can't see any post or topics being discussed from members, I can only dialogue with the moderators, and eventually the will evaluate if they will post something I like to be posted..
What a circus on that JW talk forum, and how absurd how they are threathening their members!
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New Article on Reveal by Trey Bundy: JW's shield child sex abusers from police, report says
by AndersonsInfo in witnesses shield child sex abusers from police, report says.
by trey bundy / december 7, 2015 .
jehovahs witnesses policies allow child sexual abusers to operate within their congregations without fear that they will be reported to police, according to a new report published by the australian government.
JW Talk
by Alive! inwas sipping my coffee, browsing here and there, and then focussed on reading here regarding arc, picked up some world news on same subject - and wondered if jw org would publish any information on their news site.. then, i flicked to jw talk - anything in their public news forum?
a newish headline 'australia and jehovah's witnesses' or something like that - i entered link - web page error, not found.
On The topic on JW talk, about the submissions of the RC, are the moderators, who are participating, and trully controlling carefully the answers giving.. they are making the questions such as: Where there ever other Royal Commisions in other Countrie? And what are the results? They are trying to demonstrate that the scope of an RC, is limited, and that ultimately the governments will change nothing about it..
the member they gave made a limited acces user, told me in a PM, that they, now will control and analyze every post he makes, to eliminate their severe concerns about him.. (This was a personal message they sended him).. But he will be very astate in the future in giving comments he told me..
every answer given is in favor of the Submissions of the Society laywers, and I think that members now, are scared to receive warning points, and to get kicked out by the moderators..
but like steven2 said it very correctly..That's the mindset of the JW organisation, they will interpret everything trough their JW lens..
and you can't experct that they will accept other opinions with open arms...on their forum.
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by Joe Grundy in(i never was a jw).. as a retired child abuse professional, i followed (and continue to do so - it's an ongoing process) the arc proceedngs closely.
my understanding is that the purpose of the arc is to establish what current practices exist in various organisations and institutions, how those practices compare with accepted best practice, and what organisations and institutions need to do to bring their procedures and policies into line with best practice.
(and to find a way to compensate victims for what's been done wrong).. wt is case study #29 in the arc process.
JW Talk
by Alive! inwas sipping my coffee, browsing here and there, and then focussed on reading here regarding arc, picked up some world news on same subject - and wondered if jw org would publish any information on their news site.. then, i flicked to jw talk - anything in their public news forum?
a newish headline 'australia and jehovah's witnesses' or something like that - i entered link - web page error, not found.
If you are objective, then, you must conclude that they are tollerant, until you are very positive about the organization, the moderators are very suspicious types I guess, and have the we are never wrong syndrome ..
the member I mentioned gave his comments about Dr Appelwhite, and said that she didn't knew a lot of the internal procedures about sexuale abuse..And that she failed in her task.. Again a moderator was reacting, and saying that it was his opinion, and that she did well a good work
suddenly another member used a note of a submission to demonstrate that the authorities did give freedom at the abuser after three years without being monitored in the community, thus why is the prosecuter attacking our policies, instead of the mistakes made by the authorities in these particular case? he replied
What I noted, and I found that reply from that member, whom posts they are controlling very important: He replied, rather than going on a defence modus, nobody of you spoke about the abused victims involved
but even that was not true in their eyes..
I well take you informed about their circle reasonings...
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JW Talk
by Alive! inwas sipping my coffee, browsing here and there, and then focussed on reading here regarding arc, picked up some world news on same subject - and wondered if jw org would publish any information on their news site.. then, i flicked to jw talk - anything in their public news forum?
a newish headline 'australia and jehovah's witnesses' or something like that - i entered link - web page error, not found.
Hey, Glad you made a topic on JW talk.. First I want you to say that I am a member there on that forum, and that there is a topic going on, on the submissions of the RC, they have only put on the submissions of the WT laywers.. A lot of members there, are reacting on te same way: they believe that the RC, is influenced by apostate lies, others are trying to prove that it is an instrument of satan,,There is someone who is a member, and is trying to give an rationalized, and proper, and honest view about the RC, case.. he even wrote that there has been inconsistencies by the elders, legal department.. But the moderators, and even other members jumped on him, and made the remarks, that he is very offensive against the slave.. Suddenly he received a personal PM of one of the moderators telling him, that his posts will not appear anymore on JW forum, they will approve them (the moderators), before posting them..he lost his status as senior member on JW talk, but he don't cares about it.. ( sorry for my bad English) they now hade made the announcement on the that topic, that nobody has to post anymore,, because warning points are giving who will insisting on posting on that topic.. You can see that even on JW talk, members are feeling that something is wrong.. And they try to stop it, in giving warning points, and, stop to post opinions of senior members, because they are afraid I think... I will inform you of further developments going on ..
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WTBTS Submissions to Royal Commission on abuse: The response document in FULL
by JWchange init is not obvious if someone has already put the responses and excuses to the findings of the royal commission, by watchtower on this forum somewhere, sorry if it is already posted.
click on the link below, and scroll down to 'submissions' near bottom of page and you can download the full document.
if this link doesn't work.
Hey, I am new here, and I like the post you made about informating us about the RC , submissions, and that of the Watch Tower..
I don't know if the Watch Tower is making a smart move trough his laywers, to try to make a point , that this inquiry has gone behind his scope.. It was better for them if they admitted that mistakes where made in the past, and now try to work on their policies, so that children could be protected, for predators in the JW organisation..
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