Hey flipper
I really don't care about their childissh, and ignorant assertions they made, I'ts their choice, and thieir decision, to ban somebody, ultimately it'ts their website, and they have the right to thake this measures..but there will be certainly members, who will have questions about it, I really no doubt about it.. But some fundamental thruth must be saiid:
Their website, has not the approval, of the society, if they made such claims, and labeling some as apostates, would not automatically have the approval from the Watch Tower.. In the publications brothers and sisters are not really encouraged to start, and mantaining such websites..
Thus, I really doubt, if their claims, of such individuals, has to taken seriously, if they don't rappresent , and are not substained by the Wach Tower society, , the WT will never substained, , The fact that they are visiting this site, and reading posts, and being so hypocritical, in doing the exact contrary they preach.