diamondiiz said;
"These programmed ones also too stupid to realize that people dislike the twisted, lying deceptive organization and not general JWs! But if we must speak of these lovely people in general, why is there so many problems with depression, suicide, child abuse and others hidden crimes all within the congregations? Very lovely world they would create, I would propose taking all these people and placing them on the island all on their own and see how long they would survive without everything the hard working society provides for these people who are leeches on the system."
I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses that has suffered a loss of spirituality. I'm not “suicidal” but I'm currently inactive and somewhat depressed. I started participating on this forum because it looked interesting, but some of the things I've read ranging from mockery and ridicule to shock treatment is false and/or contains some holes, is contradictory or is unsubstantiated. Some of the information is somewhat interesting provided you isolate the duplicity.
"see how long they would survive without everything the hard working society provides for these people who are leeches on the system"
I've come across an occasional congregation member that was a mooch (they're flagged and avoided), but I've always known congregation members to be hard working and self-sufficient.
You stated;
“problems with depression, suicide, child abuse and others hidden crimes all within the congregations”
The problem of crime within the congregation, hidden or exposed substantiates the disfellowshipping arrangement although this thread depicts the disfellowshipping arrangement as a precursor to suicide:
Mockery and ridicule:
I was raised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I'm 38. In that time frame, I've never heard of something this absurd from the podium at a Kingdom Hall so I questioned it. I asked the author of the opening post what congregation this took place in. He or she would not say.
In this thread...
...the only individuals that can listen to the meetings using telecommunications are those that have some sort of physical condition that prevents them from attending. The elders don't “block” anyone indisposed from listening in.
Unsubstantiated shock advertising:
This type of propaganda may poison the minds of those that respond to this information by absorbing messages quickly and accepting them without questioning or analyzing them. I may be inactive as a JW, but I don't stand by propaganda that promotes hatred for ethnic or religious minorities.