I first paid attention to Terry when my car was out of action and I had no option but drive to work in a borrowed Volvo estate which had also seen better days.
There was no CD player and the battered radio could only be tuned into one station - Radio 2.
If I were the cursing type, I would have cursed the whole 40 minute daily journey to work . Where was the current chart music I loved? Why should I be forced to have no choice but listen to some old Irish guy chuntering on in the mornings? (nothing against old people, the Irish, or guys btw) Radio 2? For goodness sake!
Inwardly I seethed, outwardly I glared at other motorists clearly enjoying a wide variety of 'wake me up', modern, soul refreshing music.
Day 1 - I listened under sufferance
Day 2 - I allowed myself a chuckle at some witty remark
Day 3 - I begrudgingly looked forward to the next instalment of Janet & John
Day 4 - I was won over
Please forgive me Sir Terry. You brought gentle humour and lively wit to so many people's lives. The world will miss your sparkle.