No one fancy Dianne Abbott?
I live in Aus but I have seen YouTube videos of her with Andrew Neill and Michael Portillo etc. Is she for real or were those just off days?
there's a saying that says "politics is show-business for ugly people" ... well, they can't all be ugly.. so here are my favourite politicians .... .
^^^ caroline flint ^^^ .
^^^ liz kendall ^^^.
No one fancy Dianne Abbott?
I live in Aus but I have seen YouTube videos of her with Andrew Neill and Michael Portillo etc. Is she for real or were those just off days?
while enjoying one of my favourite snacks the other day, (hula hoops) i suddenly had this thought; if ever a metal nut is hard to loosen with a wrench, usually a a couple of sharp hits with a hammer is enough to break the grip of whatever is holding it - usually rust.
similarly, crunching on foods which can impart small shockwaves to a capped tooth could have the same effect and cause the hardened dental cement to fracture and loosen the crown.
Stripping thin electric cable with your front teeth is a poor idea as well. Broke a tiny piece off between the teeth. From then on I look for the cable stripper.
is there a thread that lists the kh's that are being sold in the us?
i just learned that my old hall is getting sold and the 2 congregations that are meeting there are merging with 2 congregations in another hall..
jp.... any way that this could be combined with zeb’s post to cover sales in countries that mainly use this forum? It would be more interesting then.
I realise there could be a tremendous amount of work involved.
you’ll find this article very long and very interesting.
it was published as part of a series of articles in a quality newspaper in southern norway.
as seen from the article, the journalists have been working on this article for several months.
Thanks for this.
His worst punishment is yet to come. When and if he comes out of prison he has to face the remainder of his miserable existence with no family or friends, and the possible prospect of further criminal charges in Norway.
Maybe not quite what you want.
Caboolture, Queensland kh sold about nine years ago. Large prime block of land bought about three years ago. $1,000,000 plus seized by the society in The Great Raid. New hall “approved” approx one year ago. Recently announced no new hall. My prophecy is that land will be sold within twelve months.
29th april.. anyone have a lead on the ..'special'.. talk that my wife et al has to travel miles to hear/see?
just so i can be advised.. thanks..
It ws an Australasia only talk. My wife left home at 11.30 Saturday taking her lunch with her for the forty minute drive.
WT was first then an hour long talk by Robert Ciranko. Something about building a relationship with Jehovah.
Seemed alright when she came home though so the talk couldn’t have been too potent.
I searched everywhere I could think for it but found nothing. Seems like Aus really is the bowels of the earth.
wt back to 1950, aw back to 1970, like the cd rom library... .
I looked at and comments on reddit. It seems to have taken everyone by surprise. I told my wife and she mentioned it at field service meeting this morning...AEST....An elder who I know well said he will pop round and see me. I am looking forward to that as I have a small list of items to hit him with (gently) including the cancelled Kingdom Hall build. As long as he comes alone.
"oh i'm not going to worry about it, armageddon will be here by then!".
-including me.
Ex Navy petty officer turned special pioneer/ elder who “brought me in” saying to me in about September 1975.....Things just can’t get any worse, they Can’t!” My wife and I in our four year old marriage were doing quite well financially in the 70s. Should have woken up then.
Also the reference about those that died taking the easy way by sleeping car into the new system.
Is this card on the cards or is this just speculation based on what others are doing?
Or have I missed something here?
facts we don't want to know.
the purpose of war is to kill humans.. .
which humans?.
How far back does it go? 28th 1754......Lieutenant Colonel George Washington causes the seven years war. I always thought the French were not the aggressors but this article doesn’t make that clear, at least not for me.
Just one incident in the stream of time.