King has lost good standing, WT will eventually remove or edit the videos/publications in which King appeared.
I know they used to do that with pictures in new publications printed without them but how can they replace actors in movies?
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
King has lost good standing, WT will eventually remove or edit the videos/publications in which King appeared.
I know they used to do that with pictures in new publications printed without them but how can they replace actors in movies?
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
Is Seth Sikes a belthite?
gb worried about not enough coming to in person meetings.
what are they going to be like when they realise not only jdubs don’t want to go to in person meetings but they really don’t want to go back on the min.
zoom has so much more appeal for rather than meetings or door to door.
I guessing that this return to Field Circus isn't going to get great support and whatever support it gets, most of that time will still be spent at McDonalds or Starbucks (depending on each JW's social economic status.
this is so true, also depending on their status in the cong
the brother taking the lead hardly does any as he says he is looking after everyone which means walking back and forth not actually knocking on any doors
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
Who is the guy on the left I think I recognise him?
obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
I have heard of an elder who is quite new in the truth with lots of tattoos and he just became an elder and now professes a heavenly hope
him and his young wife started partaking in emblems
now his son has just left school and been disfellowshipped for being gay
surely people are wondering if Jehovah would choose someone like that to be the 144000
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
Was Nick King brought up in the truth?
did he do all that celebrity stuff while in the truth?
when I saw some of his shows I would be very surprised if he was in Bethel but it seems he was
original reddit post (removed).
So he claims that Tia woman in the pictures was not a sex worker but he also dated a sex worker
yes he is a ladies man as long as they can take his donated funds
evening standard, july 26, 2021. london.
holy smoke: london site of jehovah’s witness hq to be movie .
I mentioned in my other thread about the investment department that the Jewish guy who bought watchtower often used to buy donated gold and jewellery from Br Peter Bullock.
he was buying gold for years and often had lunch with the top brass and apparently always said if Watchtower house was ever for sale he would buy it for over asking price. This is exactly what happened
this Jewish guy is mega rich, a bit like Trumps son in law who bought up the old watchtower in NY.
the interesting thing about the London branch was that this Jewish guy asked the top brass if their volunteers could help look after the branch after the sale.
this was supposed to go on for about a year or so but then covid happened and it slowed everything down
the Jews want to make watchtower into a elite old people home (not much change then) but it’s taking much longer due to covid
the brothers were going to move out completely then the Jews would have to hire a worldly company to do security and maintenance
m so the Jews asked to branch could they hire your volunteers instead
m the branch didn’t want to miss an opportunity so instead of the Jews paying the brothers still at watchtower directly the branch said pay us all that money and we will ask those their to carry on working as volunteers for us!!!!!!!!
this is what is still happening today there is a skeleton crew actually living there and a whole bunch of volunteers travelling in every day to do the garden and clean and maintain everything
surely those volunteers would be better off working directly for the Jews who have owned the site for a couple of years now? What on earth has it got to do with the Jdubs anymore why are they taking the money from the Jews and not giving it to the workers?
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
So he has even been in movies shocking
is he still a JW?
i was a bethelite in london for many years then got reassigned to the field and then went on brd from the start of chelmsford right upto covid.. during my years at the branch i was sometimes asked to be on a team who went to homes donated to the branch when some older one died.. this happenes an awful lot, everything is left to the branch in the will.
the unbelieving family is furious they didn’t get left anything and sometimes they tried to get their elderly relatives possessions and there was a legal battle .
but in the end a team of us would go and empty the property and another team would clean it up and put it on the market to sell it for the worldwide work.. all the possessions were sorted into trash or possibly valuable .
I was a Bethelite in London for many years then got reassigned to the field and then went on BRD from the start of Chelmsford right upto covid.
During my years at the branch I was sometimes asked to be on a team who went to homes donated to the branch when some older one died.
this happenes an awful lot, everything is left to the branch in the will. The unbelieving family is furious they didn’t get left anything and sometimes they tried to get their elderly relatives possessions and there was a legal battle
but in the end a team of us would go and empty the property and another team would clean it up and put it on the market to sell it for the worldwide work.
all the possessions were sorted into trash or possibly valuable
the things we thought were possibly valuable were sent to the investment department which at the time was run by Brother Peter Bullock.
he was an expert in gold, silver and diamonds. Another brother was expert in fine art, but Peter was expert with expensive watches and jewellery.
he had a large vault safe which we used to joke about because there was millions of pounds worth of gold and diamonds, Rolex and expensive paintings donated.
he would periodically sell bits to local Jewish dealers and an interesting fact is one of the Jewish dealers he sold to became the buyer of Watchtower house on the Ridgeway.
anyway after I left the branch I remained friends with Peter we often used to watch movies together and he would often offer me a glass of fine whiskey
mhe was always immaculately well dressed obviously came from money and was personally very wealthy himself.
his wife left him years before and his only son died of an overdose in mysterious circumstances and he was with him holding his hand when he died
ever since he seemed to be self medicating with whiskey which seemed to be quite common in the branch especially bottles of spirits lots of sisters like their gin of an evening
in Peters case it wasn’t only the evening and it was basically from morning worship all day. It became obvious and he was even driving down the road to Waitrose where all those in the branch used to go coming back with bags of bottles
it got to the point where the brothers confiscated his car as there was some doubt if he was driving sober or not
but then he got an old person’s electric buggy and used to go down to Waitrose to load up on whiskey with that. They couldn’t really confiscate that and often would be obvious he was under the influence
this went on for years and it got to the point of him being announced he was no longer a JW
the interesting thing is this all came to a head about the time of bottle gate as a similar thing was happening to Tony Morris the third
he was very unhappy about the situation especially as what was going on across the pond with Tony who is about the same age
end of the story is Peter was kicked out of Bethel even at his age and frail state and now I hear he died a lonely bitter old soul
very sad story
Now some younger brothers are in charge of the vault full of gold and jewels donated and they work in close proximity to the investment department who are buying stocks and shares with all the donations