Door to door has been scaled back to almost nothing. Tens mins is topical then coffee break.
these days it’s more about getting together before and after the ten mins preaching.
We have a hybrid zoom/in person ministry group 10:30am. People meet up on zoom starting 10 for a good old chat. Then those arrive in person to chat to those on zoom. The group starts at 10:30 for ten mins to chat about a scripture then prayer then chat for another half an hour about who is working with who.
then we say goodbye to those on zoom who are supposed to be letter writing but they just chat.
Some in person go to door to door but most say they are going’on calls’ or street witnessing
then we all meet up for lunch at someone’s home, whoever’s turn it is. Everyone brings interesting food from all over the world. There is always lots of left overs
the zoom lot join in back with us and we catch up on the gossip whatever they have been chatting about.
the ministry aspect really is just an excuse for a social club.