Thus if I have to evacuate, my plan is to bug out with one or two well chosen small family groups, people with a similar basic mindset as me, who already have enough to care for their own immediate needs ... but can add something to the collective. However if they are not ready when its time to go, then I'm leaving without them.
Yes this is my plan. I’m a group overseer and my assistant is very capable. Him and his wife have good jobs and spend a fair bit on survival preps.
As a congregation we regularly do camping trips and a little bit of survival training.
We will get a balanced view of older ones and what is best for them. Most times they will choose to stay even if it means they will die, they don’t want to be a burden on younger ones.
There was a JW prepper book series called Flee by EK Jonathan. It was very good actually.
The local branch offices go to a lot of effort having brothers meet JWs along the way giving food and fuel, repairing vehicles as needed.
The disaster relief committees have things very well planned out. But the very sensitive issue of older and infirm ones being left behind to die is covered in a dignified way. These ones don’t want to be a burden on others and they don’t want to to leave. Give them the choice.