I would love to take a look at the AAWA legal paperwork.
Jeff what is AWWA? And did Lloyd forge a signature?
original reddit post (removed).
I would love to take a look at the AAWA legal paperwork.
Jeff what is AWWA? And did Lloyd forge a signature?
it’s a shame the gov body did a big u turn on vaccines .
if they continue with the rule that only fully vaxed can go back to the hall then i could have stayed on zoom.
but the term fully vaxed is a moving target, if it’s been like six months since your last shot you are just the same as those of us who are unvaxed .
In the don’t smoke whiteboard animation video at the end he says to the one offering him the drug “no thanks I’ve looked at the risks and it’s not for me”
this is exactly what we should say when offered this experimental aborted baby containing drug, but then we are told you are not following directions from the GB
it’s a shame the gov body did a big u turn on vaccines .
if they continue with the rule that only fully vaxed can go back to the hall then i could have stayed on zoom.
but the term fully vaxed is a moving target, if it’s been like six months since your last shot you are just the same as those of us who are unvaxed .
if the members of the GBody did take the very shots they do fiercely pushed on their 8 million followers then they would be having the same health problems now that the rest of the vaxed are getting
if they keep themselves fully vaxed as they keep saying that means never going longer than six months without another booster spike protein experimental drug injected into their bodies
just look at the young people having health problems as a result of staying fully vaccinated
these fat old men on the GB do not lol healthy, they consume too much food and alcohol that big gut is often as a result of failing liver.
I doubt very much if they keep themselves fully vaccinated every six months.
interestingly they haven’t been pushing the ‘staying fully vaccinated status’ narrative of late. It’s too late now the congregations are all saying has it been six months since your last jab? You are not following direction for the GB as you are not fully vaxed if you o six months without another shot
a lot of my ex fellow servants must be now in their seventies, what can you do?.
no children no money no home.
it is so sad.. so many decided not to have children as the end was right around the corner and that was decades ago.
While it may be true that they penalize high-earners where you are - the problem with saying this is that you will have lazy fools (JWs and others) who will use this as an excuse to do absolutely nothing. And that’s the truth.
It’s all to do with education. Most of us brought up in the truth were told not to get any further education so everyone pioneered straight from school with a humble min wage job or some cleaning.
not earning enough to pay much into satans world. Actually many countries the most coman job for JWs is window cleaning which is all cash. They declare the min amount of profit to pay no tax because of course their car and ministry are all ‘expenses’
they make no plans for retirement because we are in the final part of the final part the last day of the last days
I hear so many talk about what a protection Jesus advise is to keep a simple life, I have heard it said that the cost of living crisis won’t affect us so much because we follow Jesus advice to keep a simple eye.
they say all the financial crisis and food shortages won’t affect Jehovahs people so much because we are used to simple life and if the financial system crashed then we never had much to lose anyway 🤣
a lot of my ex fellow servants must be now in their seventies, what can you do?.
no children no money no home.
it is so sad.. so many decided not to have children as the end was right around the corner and that was decades ago.
That’s the things about most JWs who spend lots of time ‘on the min’ which usually means coffee and chatting most of their lives
they haven’t spent much time working secularly
they keep very simple lives and claim a lot from government all the time saying satans world yet using it to the full when it suits
you can have it both ways, yet they seem to try to. Take from Cesar when he s handing out, but don’t pay that much back into Cesar because it would require working for him
i was a bethelite in london for many years then got reassigned to the field and then went on brd from the start of chelmsford right upto covid.. during my years at the branch i was sometimes asked to be on a team who went to homes donated to the branch when some older one died.. this happenes an awful lot, everything is left to the branch in the will.
the unbelieving family is furious they didn’t get left anything and sometimes they tried to get their elderly relatives possessions and there was a legal battle .
but in the end a team of us would go and empty the property and another team would clean it up and put it on the market to sell it for the worldwide work.. all the possessions were sorted into trash or possibly valuable .
Yes that is definitely true about the rings. All the top brass wear these gatekeeper rings.
If you look at pictures of them when they were younger elders they never wore them, but once you get to a certain level a bit like the degrees of masons you get certain rings.
smurf girl on YouTube has done some excellent videos about it as some of her relatives were top brass JWs
it’s a shame the gov body did a big u turn on vaccines .
if they continue with the rule that only fully vaxed can go back to the hall then i could have stayed on zoom.
but the term fully vaxed is a moving target, if it’s been like six months since your last shot you are just the same as those of us who are unvaxed .
The GB Goons probably received moolah for e/jabbed individual. Perhaps the Goon Squad themselves were injected w/saline same as politicians, some celebs, etc., etc.
so true the head of the UN spokesman has now admitted not having even his first one
I doubt all the GB actually had it otherwise they would be getting I’ll now
gb worried about not enough coming to in person meetings.
what are they going to be like when they realise not only jdubs don’t want to go to in person meetings but they really don’t want to go back on the min.
zoom has so much more appeal for rather than meetings or door to door.
1. will there be some maps assigned for letter writing and some for door to door?
2. What will happen to those who for medical reasons say they will only stay on zoom for meetings and ministry?
3. With hybrid ministry and meetings there is no obligation to do anything difficult like we used to, what can the GB do if majority decide to claim medical reasons why they don’t want to go back to D2D?
4. When the hour requirements come back pioneering has never been so easy if all they have to do is sit on zoom for a few hours a day.
5. Will be allowed to hand post letters?
i was a bethelite in london for many years then got reassigned to the field and then went on brd from the start of chelmsford right upto covid.. during my years at the branch i was sometimes asked to be on a team who went to homes donated to the branch when some older one died.. this happenes an awful lot, everything is left to the branch in the will.
the unbelieving family is furious they didn’t get left anything and sometimes they tried to get their elderly relatives possessions and there was a legal battle .
but in the end a team of us would go and empty the property and another team would clean it up and put it on the market to sell it for the worldwide work.. all the possessions were sorted into trash or possibly valuable .
Smiles -- what symbol on rings? There's many pictured time to time on Telegram of weird affiliations, etc. Is it the name Jehovah in Hebew -- thinking positive here.
which telegram groups please?
it’s a shame the gov body did a big u turn on vaccines .
if they continue with the rule that only fully vaxed can go back to the hall then i could have stayed on zoom.
but the term fully vaxed is a moving target, if it’s been like six months since your last shot you are just the same as those of us who are unvaxed .
Over the next ten years you are going to see huge health problems in the fully vaxed populations
the 8 million who followed the GBody salesmen for big pharma are all going to have these health problems over the next decade they will have shortened their lives by listening obeying the GB on this
listen obey and be vaxed