We had a similar thing happen during zoom, special campaign JWs joining us on zoom to write letters to London addresses. Which when you think about it was nonsense. But it was interesting having all these zoom meetings and getting to know different ones from all over the place. We still keep in touch with some friends we made during that time.
this time around there will be hundreds travelling to stay in London for weeks at a time. And then coming to the min groups in the mornings then special refreshments at different peoples homes. The sisters take these gatherings seriously all competing to outdo each other.
We are really looking forward to next October just for the social aspect but we will not do one single door anymore. Like many we just don’t do that anymore and never really did it much every actually.
we go on groups for sure and sometimes can’t get out of being given territory somewhere but never actually go there, just say we are doing calls or informal witnessing, then coffee