Pete that goes both ways. Some people are lost at sea have no hope no idea about the big questions in life.
I have come full circle. Used to be theistic now agnostic with hope that there is some truth to the Bibles promises. I’m content and happy and settled.
I maintain it’s better to have hope than no hope. Being lost at sea is no hope. Once you are comfortable and content in that we don’t know for certain if intelligent design was involved at the origin of everything.
This is why I like the watchtower title, hope without disappointment. I think the JW hope will have disappointment. My hope has the best of both worlds and I can’t lose.
What is really sad is long time JWs or other die hard belief systems on their deathbed realising they were deceived all their time in that belief system. That is so devastating.
On my deathbed I won’t be full of regrets that I believed something untrue. I will be optimistic and excited to see what happens after death even if it’s nothing which I hope it’s not, but at least I wasn’t delusional and deceived