With all of the Manipulating of people's Lives and subliminaly coercing witnesses to give their Wills and other belongings to the WT upon their death or sooner. Also with all of the manipulating of younger one's in terms of coercing them into not doing anything with they're lives except "spiritual pursuits" for the sole purpose of furthering their own corporate interests, is there possibly some men behind the scenes who really call the shots and using the GB just as puppets in a huge money making scam knowing full well the the whole JW thing is a complete pile of crap? In other words, are these "Bosses" conscientiously manipulating the R & F on purpose knowing full well what they are doing to their member's in so many ways? Treating their member's like cattle or slaves? If so, they would have to be very evil and Scum of the earth Sociopaths!
Are the top brass really the GB or some other unknown person or persons? Are they consciously doing all this on purpose?