This is one of the things I hated most about hanging around witlesses. they're always so doom and gloom. Yes life's got its bumps but I know for a fact that witlesses are programed to only have negative views of the world and then it ends of becoming a self fullfilling prophecy for them. JW's generally tend to have a shitier life than non JW's simply because they are told not to pursue anything worthwhile in this life and end up socially, financially and phsycologicaly damaged. Having such a skewed world view will eventually make a person more unhappy and depressed as the years go on.
JoinedPosts by Zordino
"Life is so hard!...tribulation and problems abound!" Persecution complex of witnesses.....
by stuckinarut2 inthe meeting this week is mind-blowing in the way it fuels the crippling "persecution complex" of witnesses!.
paragraph 1 set the theme with this gem:.
does it shock you that you can expect to face many tribulations before you gain the prize of everlasting life?
I have two take aways from the zoned out meeting
by Sour Grapes inout of three hours only two things really caught my attention.
i was surprised there was no special annoucements or more new light.
the first thing is that we know that the org is having a difficult time having young males reach out to be a ministerial servents to carry microphones and adjust the height of the podium.
How could any rational human being with 2 brain cells every be able to sit through a meeting like this and not feel like laughing out loud at the nonesense being spewed out from the platform.
Anthony Morris The Third
by Yondaime inwhen i am3 was going to speak i was ecstatic to hear this lunatic embarass himself.
after the propaganda indoctrination session, a relative asked me what my spiritual goals were, i told em i want to become a servant before i turn 23 so i could get laid.
The FDS got this live streaming 'spirit' directed revelation about coloured socks straight from Jesus. Or perhaps the GB has now fired Jesus and got this straight from big J. Any whoo, this is what they mean by the deep spiritual truths and the light getting brighter and brighter. J is not concerned with aprox 9,000 children who die every day around the world from hungar and disease or saving a bus full of JW's who crashed while going to a convention killed and injured them... NO NO NO He's concerned about the colour and pattern of your socks!
I have two take aways from the zoned out meeting
by Sour Grapes inout of three hours only two things really caught my attention.
i was surprised there was no special annoucements or more new light.
the first thing is that we know that the org is having a difficult time having young males reach out to be a ministerial servents to carry microphones and adjust the height of the podium.
Hot sisters marrying dumb butt ugly brothers just because they have a 'position' in the Congo has been going on forever. I've seen it first hand many times.
And the tight pants bit...... You couldn't make this sh..t up if you tried. Lol
Anthony Morris The Third
by Yondaime inwhen i am3 was going to speak i was ecstatic to hear this lunatic embarass himself.
after the propaganda indoctrination session, a relative asked me what my spiritual goals were, i told em i want to become a servant before i turn 23 so i could get laid.
He's the gift that keeps on giving.
Could the "Test of Faith" be that the Watchtower is going Bust?
by tezrichmond ini was thinking about this anouncment at the zone visit today.
this so called test of faith may be that the wt is going bust.
let's face it, for a while now we have seen the wt trying to scrimp and save as much as possible such as .
It's gotta have something to do with a tithing type of arrangement. Or possibly some weird nu lite.
Caleb & Sofia have Mormon cousins
by wifibandit inthis was pointed out by throwingawayjehovah.
Unbelievable! I wonder if it was the LDS or the WT who did the plagerizing. Gotta show this to the wife. Wow.
JW making music videos now?
by adjusted knowledge ini'm not sure if this is new since it is hard to keep up with the ever changing jw.
it is morphing so much.
i went to tv video for november and around 53 or 54 minutes into the broadcast the gb guy introduce a music video called "we won't forget you".
You 2 should do a JR rap music video and post it on you tube
JW making music videos now?
by adjusted knowledge ini'm not sure if this is new since it is hard to keep up with the ever changing jw.
it is morphing so much.
i went to tv video for november and around 53 or 54 minutes into the broadcast the gb guy introduce a music video called "we won't forget you".
Pronomono. That was happifying.
A close personal relationship with my imaginary friend.
by Zordino ini'm sure we've all heard things like; " we need to develop a close personal relationship with jehovah.
we can ask him to help us through difficult times, he should be our closest friend.
throw your burden on j. or the ol' jehovah will provide.
I'm sure we've all heard things like; " we need to develop a close personal relationship with Jehovah. We can ask him to help us through difficult times, he should be our closest friend. Throw your burden on J. Or the ol' Jehovah will provide. Ect ect ect. Even when I was still in I found this peculiar. How can someone have a relationship with an invisible friend who never responds back or just allows random shit to happen to us. I've always found this to not make any sense even when I was still connected to the hive mind.