I know most people here are totally out and that’s fine.
Many these days are staying physically in for the social life and that is also fine.
I feel being fully mentally in is dangerous as it could be such a shock mentally if or should I say when the tower collapsed.
Im sitting in the fence like so many others here. Mentally Agnostic if God exists or not and if the Bible is his word.
When I talk to people who are physically and mentally still in I can tell that they so need it to be true. I’m worried for them when they wake up to the fact that they have been lied to 1914 wasn’t true 1975 wasn’t true 1999 wasn’t true and now here we are 2025 it’s all not true. I’m worried that mentally it’s very very dangerous and this is why many will go downhill mentally or may even take their own lives.
Ita far as safer to be physically in for the amazing social life and the fact they are so well taken care of but mentally either out or at least agnostic leaving room for the fact that the witnesses may be true about some things and it is beneficial to live by Bible standards, possibly I don’t know for sure.
It’s a paradox because some PIMIs are so genuinely happy due to beliefs that are not true. But they have this hope so real that they are happy now because they genuinely believe the Bibles promises.
The same can be said for many other belief systems, Buddhist and Islam beliefs if they are fully indoctrinated they are happy believing something that is not true.
its very dangerous though if you wake up before you die then its very hard to cope with the fact that you believed something that wasn’t true all your life.
this is why I think either PIMA or POMA is safest.
it’s amazing how it comes into conversations when I’m talking to someone and in their mind the end is really literally just around the corner so of course it affects the decisions they make and when they’re asking me about decisions I make I gotta be careful that it doesn’t come across that I don’t think the end is just around the corner and I need to plan a head and I’m thinking about retirement whereas they absolutely are not which I think is also very dangerous
some other things that I hear them talk about it’s obvious that they genuinely believe the governing body. They really literally are gods spokesperson on Earth and they refer to being obedient to the governing body like being obedient to Jehovah and when I talk about the vaccine they genuinely believe that Jehovah wants them to keep taking the booster shots. Jehovah told them it was safe the governing body whatever they say. It’s just like Jehovah saying and Jehovah told them the vaccine is safe and effective and it’s all lies that it causes blood blood clots that’s all lies from Satan‘s world and apostatethey keep going to take their boosters.