I saw one last week at a major tourist spot, hundreds of people milling around and not one went near the cart.
We were there for an hour or so and the JWs manning the cart spent most of the time playing with their phones.
i would love to know the stats of how many hours were spent, standing by a cart, or sitting at a local town fair with jw table tent set up, compared to the number of bible studies started that led to baptism since the inception of the carts.
anyone have any idea?
if i had to guess i would say thousands of hours pent standing by a cart, and maybe less then 5 that actually got baptized.
I saw one last week at a major tourist spot, hundreds of people milling around and not one went near the cart.
We were there for an hour or so and the JWs manning the cart spent most of the time playing with their phones.
the brief outline for this item makes reference to the most recent wt on the subject of "reaching out" (august 2016 - pages 20 - 29) if you are a jehovah's witness and thinking about becoming a ministerial servant or elder, then please consider the following information prior to attending the kh for this week’s wt “study” and the week after.
first - if you hope to become an elder, in the uk you will also become a charitable trustee.
you will not be given any training for this part of your role.
First - if you hope to become an elder, in the UK you will also become a charitable trustee. You will not be given any training for this part of your role. Your details will be sent to the Charity Commission. As an elder and charitable trustee, you might at some time be unable to agree with the BoE on a matter. Nevertheless, the WTBTS expects you to acquiesce with the majority. Yet you will be legally held responsible for your individual decision as a trustee.
Is it now mandatory that you have to become a trustee on appointment to an elder?
What if you can't become a trustee*, would that also prevent you from ever becoming an elder?
*Undischarged bankrupt or an IVA/Criminal conviction involving dishonesty/Disqualified as company director
i know only adultery is supposed to be grounds for "scriptural" divorce.
i'm a wicked apostate in their eyes, but my believing husband and i still can't get a divorce that would allow him to remarry.
we currently are separated - i have left him.
The upshot is it doesn't really matter to you unless you wanted to be nice to your (ex) husbamd and make him free to remarry in the organisation's eyes.
If you do want a divorce and new start then get one - it will make you legally separated and what he does after that is up to him.
i remember that we were always encouraged to let everyone at work know that you were one of jw's and therefore would not participate in any of their functions, parties etc.. this i outrightly refused to do.
my reasoning was that i was employed and paid to do a job and therefore my religious beliefs were a personal matter and therefore had nothing to do with my work.
secondly i had to work with these people.
I vogued to Madonna in the 90s
You disgust me. :(
i have never understood this.
was it because of legal reasons?
i cant think of any other reason why it wouldn't be allowed, but i know the elders ask you repeatedly that you are not taping.
If you want to record the meeting just fess up right at the start that you are recording and will be happy to provide the committee with a copy if they request one.
Don't negotiate the point, you are recording and that's that. Just remind them that if they choose to terminate the meeting you will expect no action to be taken against you.
If you refuse to stop taping and terminate the JC you will be deemed unrepentant and disfellowshipped in your absence.
if it gets as far as the JC and you don't want to be DF'd then, barring any procedural errors, your only way is to plead repentance and then fade away.
"european human rights chiefs have told the british press it must not report when terrorists are muslim.
thank goodness they are getting out of the eu, before like sweden even people in uk can get arrested for posting on social media posting any facts and problems the immigrants/muslims/or refugees are causing.
I think you can safely assume anything printed in the daily fail is absolute bollocks.
so, just chilling and watching much music (canadian mtv).. you can call me al is playing.
(this particular song is meh).
paul simon is a tremendous artist.. in my top-ten of american musical artists..
Graceland is one of the all time greats.
A superb lyricist.
what a horror.
instead of there being "more fish in the sea" our marriage mates came from the small and crapy witness pond.
anyone got burned by going with mr or mrs you will have to do?
As a young guy, I'd often get very bummed
Sounds painful!
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
Are we there yet?
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
...that I never, ever, would think about beating or punishing a woman unless she was my wife or daughter.
Nice. Is that what good christians do these days, beat their wives and daughters?