Donald Trump, is that you?
Not at all - there's a lot of people on here have been hurt by the WTS and I was curious as to what their thinking would be. It's nice to see a lot of the suggestions are reasonable.
For me, and as previously mentioned, I would go with suspending their charitable status until their safeguarding issues are sorted out and all in positions of authority are DBS checked and even given proper safeguarding training. I would also expand that safeguarding (somehow) to cover making it illegal to attempt to withhold life saving medical treatment for minors.
Child baptism also leaves me uncomfortable because of the possible consequences in that particular religion so there would be a minimum age of 18 for baptism.
And, when you're sat in your niftys at 9.30 on a Sunday morning munching on toast watching Star Trek and enjoying some peace while the rest are of the family are still snoring, if they knock on the door it should be entirely legal and reasonable to give them the mother of all wedgies before you send them on their way.