Tell her you would go to the meetings but all the sex and drugs is taking up all your time.
Condolances on the loss of your great grandmother - she sounds like she was a wonderful woman.
a bit of an update, last weekend was my great grandmothers funeral, now, she was never a jw, and never was going to be, no matter how hard my mother, and grandmother tried to preach to her, she was the type of person that would kindly accept a wt or a book, but she wouldn't bother reading them.. anyways, she was a great wonderful and inspiring woman, the funeral was extremely sad, she had been a school teacher for over 35 years and a member of various clubs, so there were a lot of folks besides family that attended.. well, anyways i was there and so was my jw mother, stepfather, and grandmother, we were cordial, didn't talk about anything jw related because, it was great grandmothers funeral, not really a time to discuss how i am an evil sinner, or how i've escaped the org by avoiding df'ing, right?
wrong, as i'm sitting waiting for the service to begin, a lady shows up, now- i have known this woman for a long time, apparently she baby sat me as a small child, (like i remember?
) so she isn't someone i was ever close with, but knew of her or when she was around would say hi to and make small talk.. to give you a tid-bit on her personality though, she is one of those crazy jw's.. she claims to have been possessed by a demon, very very wacky on the prophesies, or gb talks, etc.
Tell her you would go to the meetings but all the sex and drugs is taking up all your time.
Condolances on the loss of your great grandmother - she sounds like she was a wonderful woman.
jehovah's witnesses cannot do a lot of things.
i remember pioneers having to quit their jobs because they could not work in a convenience store and sell cigarettes.
i know of a young man who was offered a scholarship to any college or university if he wanted to go to because of his football abilities.
Probably join the navy.
it's heading towards $900,000 now..
Richard - I have stated this in the past (and I'm probably going to get shot for saying this). I have sometimes wondered if the child abuse issue is been used as a weapon to get back at Wt for all the hurt it has caused them as exjw.
You will get shot but anybody who can string two thoughts together will see you are right. The way RO has been treated on this thread for simply presenting useful info is pretty shocking and shows that one or two of you haven't quite thrown off the JW judgemental mindset as much as you think you have.
a month ago i decided to register in this board.
i had decided to step down pioneering but was frightened about the consequences.
i had finished my university degree some months before (despite disaproval from brothers in my congregation) and i had to choose: continue pioneering and working in jobs with no future or starting a career, working full-time.. i was thinking to postpone the decisiton but... i was fed up with preaching.
I wouldn't even say there's a need to specifically step down from being an MS. Just keep refusing responsibilties/talks due to 'other commitments', start missing meetings and they'll remove you.
There's a lot of talk on here about people being DF'd for not going anymore but it only happens when they open their mouths. It really is a case of loose lips sink ships.
I stopped going over twenty years ago now; I didn't get DF'd, my wife didn't get DF'd, about 80% of those I grew up with have stopped going now and I can only think of one that got DF'd.
Saying that, I don't know of anyone that got DF'd for apostasy 20 years ago; now I would imagine it's probably the most common cause.
a month ago i decided to register in this board.
i had decided to step down pioneering but was frightened about the consequences.
i had finished my university degree some months before (despite disaproval from brothers in my congregation) and i had to choose: continue pioneering and working in jobs with no future or starting a career, working full-time.. i was thinking to postpone the decisiton but... i was fed up with preaching.
Just keep doing less and less and keep your mouth shut. Make excuses, be non specific, prevaricate.
they'll soon tire of it.
hi folks,.
i have a difficult dilemma.
since i'm not pioneering any more, i'm reducing my hours wasted at that artifact known as cart or trolley.
Just don't do it - make lots of excuses when asked. they'll soon get sick of asking.
my wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
Lol - you crack on then
my wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
You seem to be the one that's going on like a broken record across 20 different threads..........
this news article has a news video inside it straight from the station.
finally the judge doesn't hold back..
"In the previous four years (starting in 2010), twenty-five Jehovah’s Witness ministers were convicted of child molestation charges in the UK." Worldwide there are an average of 8,132,358 publishers. In the UK there are an average of 134,517 publishers - ie 60 times the number. 60 x 25 convictions = 1,500 divide by four years = 375-a-year-worldwide - ie effectively just over ONE conviction-per-day.
That's an ambitious extrapolation there. It would be interesting to compare that against the mean for the general population
judge sanctions jehovah's witnesses.
imposes $4000-a-day penalty for not producing documents in sex-abuse case.
by dorian hargrove, june 24, 2016. a san diego superior court judge has ordered the church of jehovah's witnesses, also known as the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, to pay $4000 a day for every day that it fails to produce documents requested in a civil lawsuit brought by former parishioner, osbaldo padron, who claims a church elder sexually abused him when he was seven years old.. in a june 23 ruling, expected to be made final today, judge richard strauss admonished the church for willfully ignoring a court order to produce all documents associated with a 1997 body of elders letter that church leaders sent to parishes around the world in a quest to learn about sexual abuse of children by church leaders.. over the course of the past year, the watchtower society and its lawyers have fought hard to keep the letter confidential, claiming that turning over the documents would infringe on the privacy of those mentioned in the letter that were not associated with the case.. in march 2015, the church turned over a heavily redacted version of the letter.
BTW, just because it isn't a court, doesn't mean it has no authority.)
And what authority does the ARC have? AFAIK (and I could be wrong) it can only make recommendations which organisations and governments are free to ignore.
It can compel people to attend as witnesses under fear of a fine but that's where their power pretty much stops.