Cofty, I would say you are very informed about evolution. No doubt about it. You obsess over it like I did Watchtowers. But you need to understand. Some of us are just not convinced. When I left the tower, I read everything. The God Delusion, Blind Watchmaker, and other evolution 101 books. But honestly, Dawkins drove me back to the scriptures. That guy is not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination. The other books are vague. Even the more elaborate ones tell you this became that. And that became this because they needed it. I just feel like I am being taken for a ride. Nothing personal cofty, but this evolution stuff feels like a big scam to me. Almost like a much larger indoctrination to secularise me. When Darwin started down this road, were his motives pure? Did he want to find out how God created things? Of course not. His motive was to find reasons to kick God out of the picture. Especially when he lost his child. And so I feel it really didn't have a good foundation to begin with. Do I feel schools need to teach God and creation? Heck no. But schools need to be honest about things. I was looking for a link that expresses how I feel. Here it is below. Personally, I think forums give bad impressions of people due to the fact that worldviews clash. You cofty come off arrogant at times. I don't believe you are. I believe you are simply passionate. But you must understand, some of us are sincerely not sold on this. We have read many things, but for many of us, it is like some are with the Bible, "I need more proof!"
JoinedPosts by theliberator
Evolution is a Fact #20 - Lucy in the Sky ....
by cofty inwhen donald johanson and his colleagues returned to the afar region of ethiopia in 1974 they were full of optimism.
it was their second season searching for human fossils around hadar.
the previous november johanson had found a fossilised knee joint that was dated to more than 3 million years ago.
Evolution is a Fact #20 - Lucy in the Sky ....
by cofty inwhen donald johanson and his colleagues returned to the afar region of ethiopia in 1974 they were full of optimism.
it was their second season searching for human fossils around hadar.
the previous november johanson had found a fossilised knee joint that was dated to more than 3 million years ago.
Lucy? Really???
There are so many critics of Lucy it isn't even funny. It reminds me of what people say about the Bible. First, it takes faith. Second, they have added to it. Third, they make the final product look better than it actually is. I want to believe in "Lucy", but like many atheists say about "sky daddy". Well, "Lucy in the sky" ...Hmm.... I see a parallel.
Notable changes of the JWs org, in the last five years or so
by glenster ini've been updating the links at my web site and i'm working on the gtjbrooklyn pages now.
what would you say are the several biggest changesin the jws organization/rules in the last five years or so?
They are more focused on the now and all that it entails. The new meeting format, New Bible, jw org, tv station, carts, and other garbage. But even though Splane made a fool of himself with overlapping crap, the urgency of Armageddon has really waned in the past 5 years. -
A Good Decade
by theliberator inif you were really into the organization back in the 80's, you have to admit, that it was the peak of the organization.
it was a time of high energy and excitement.
like any nation, it reaches a peak and then it declines.
Ok FayeDunaway. You just ignited some serious dark flashbacks. I am now getting sick.😕 -
A Good Decade
by theliberator inif you were really into the organization back in the 80's, you have to admit, that it was the peak of the organization.
it was a time of high energy and excitement.
like any nation, it reaches a peak and then it declines.
If you were really into the organization back in the 80's, you have to admit, that it was the peak of the organization. It was a time of high energy and excitement. Like any nation, it reaches a peak and then it declines. The 1975 crap was behind them. They can now move forward. Many "deep", "high quality" books were released such as Revelation Climax, Reference Bible, New songbook, among others. Entire series of Watchtower magazines would focus on one subject. Of course it was Armageddon. For the first time, the organization video was released on VHS. For many, that was the first time we ever were able to look at the processes of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The drama cassette tapes were released. I personally memorized most of the "Jehovah's Name to Declared in All the Earth" drama. Their was much talk of "peace and security" in the world and of course the Wt. ran with it. The generation of 1914 was still alive and had enough energy to last awhile before they needed "new light". Armageddon seemed closer than any other time. I feel they talked more about it more then, than they do now. People were coming in by droves. The anointed were dropping in numbers and this number was in the KM. This added to the urgency. It is actually very sad when a true believer reflects on this. It was a time of excitement and hope. But like a dream, it had to end. If only it were true. -
I had a bizarre dream the other night
by Freeandclear inquick recap.
i'm 44, been df'd about a 10 months.
got baptized when i was 18, in and out of the borg for years due to guilt.
I don't completely believe in dream interpretation. However, some dreams, like repetitive ones, or bizarre dreams, may definitely have a meaning for you personally. Your dream seems to capture what many feel on this forum. Namely, that this religion has changed so much and has become so bizarre, that it is unattractive to most people. And of course, the fact that the assembly hall was basically empty, shows just how depressing it has really become. In fact, your dream sounds scary. I had nightmares after discovering TTATT. In my dream, Russell's pyramid was being erected by Rutherford. The pyramid was in two pieces. In my dream, Rutherford was topping off the top of the pyramid with the all seeing eye. This would be repeated several times. The dream had the grain of an old film. I would wake up scared and sweating. Why? It was because I now discovered just how dark and frightening of an organization I was in. An organization that I loved and supported all my life. It was like the moonies. I will never walk into a KH again. For me, that dream has meaning. I am literally scared to death of a KH. -
Mind Body Dualism
by Coded Logic ini've never found dualism - the idea that the mind and the brain are two different substances with the mind being "immaterial" or "non-material" - a valid manner in which to address consciousness or any mysteries relating to it.
to show the reasons why i think it's bad metaphysics i'll use analogous reasoning to make a case for my newly made up "mystic essence".. for hundreds of years scientists have studied plants and animals all across the world.
but they still can't explain where ecosystems come from.
I actually love this topic. It has been argued for thousands of years. Why? Because no matter how you slice it, we will never know how consciousness exists. Oh we may say it originates here or there. But how? We will never know. But one thing is for sure, you can talk about the "mind" simply being a product of chemical reactions till the cows come home ( and you are correct), but no matter what comes out of your mouth on this forum, your HEART tells you that you are greater than the sum of the parts. You can deny that all you want, but you (plural) are full of crap. Speaking of heart, has it occurred to you that it is only in recent years that scientists are beginning to see that the heart is more than just a pump? It is known as the "little brain". The heart's reaction, was once viewed as the byproduct of the brains thoughts or feelings. But now, that may be changing. Scientists are only beginning to learn about this. In otherwords, the issue is far more complex than imagined. Here is for starters:
What can I say? Hmmm.... Well my heart says...
"I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. My soul knows that very well." - Psalm: 139:14
And your SOUL knows that as well.
Mind Body Dualism
by Coded Logic ini've never found dualism - the idea that the mind and the brain are two different substances with the mind being "immaterial" or "non-material" - a valid manner in which to address consciousness or any mysteries relating to it.
to show the reasons why i think it's bad metaphysics i'll use analogous reasoning to make a case for my newly made up "mystic essence".. for hundreds of years scientists have studied plants and animals all across the world.
but they still can't explain where ecosystems come from.
"Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve." -Max Planck -
What Is The Watchtower's Biggest Problem?
by minimus inthe organization has many problems.
certain doctrines are problematic.
the men who run the organizaion have issues.
The foundation: 1914/ Generation -
Richard Dawkins has had a Stroke
by cofty inhe is back home and making god progress.. he has issued an audio statement here....
slimboyfat: "What if God used the stroke to switch on the dormant part of Dawkins' brain that puts him in touch with God?"
This is not too far from reality. While I don't believe God does it, I have seen people change .for two reasons. First, some become very emotional. They change from being a "thinker" to a "thinker feeler". They now see their life and the world quite differently. Or second, they realize how precious life is, and how they need to be grateful to the one who gave it. They see the brain as greater than the sum of it's parts.