Pacifism has NEVER won a war.
Because pacifism never started a war. War mongers start wars. War mongers win wars. Leaving war mongers in power.
Its all great and dandy that Germ warefare, conentration camps, mass murders SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN but the FACT is that THEY DO and PACIFISM will never prevent that.
Pacifism is not a preventative for war, nor is it a winner of wars. It does not get involved in wars. There are no winners in war because there is ALWAYS WAR, all the time. Somewhere. It will never stop because men are born war mongers. That hate. They covet. They are jealous. They despise...War will never be least by cheese cake man. He will do the grave dance until God says stop...till then, war will prevail WITH OR WITHOUT PASIFISM.
Keep your stinking wars and all your KILL KILL KILL rhetoric. You were born for it...go live it, and DIE FOR IT.
So, tell us all your great moments in the army Mr. 151 War man hero...tell us all your "gook" stories will ya? Big brave army man that would kill woman and children...Go police the nations and drop nukes on the ones that don't fit YOUR definition of civilized...
In fact, it was PACIFIST who let HITLER come to POWER. It was PACIFISTS who sat on their ASS while GERMANY and JAPAN took over EUROPE and ASIA- lets not forget Italy and AFRICA. HOW many MILLIONS could have lived if PACIFISTS would have gotten off their scared asses and done something????? There wouldnt have been a Holocaust. Good Job PACIFISTS. You got all the Jews killed. Lets not forget WWI. The PACIFISTS let that one rage on until the whole lousitania+mexico invasion scandel. GOOD JOB PACIFISTS. INSTEAD OF SAVING PEOPLE YOU ARE GETTING THEM KILLED. Its like communism, a great idea (to some) but it DOESNT WORK. Pacifism only works if EVERYONE is a Pacifist and since that will NEVER happen it doesnt work.
No, it was not pacifists that let Hitler come to power, go read you freekin history books. Pacifists do not have power struggles...Hilter was put in power BY power not pacifists. True Pacifsts refuse power...
Pacifism is a sure winner. War is the sure loser because IT is the killer. OF EVERYONE. Guilty or Innocent.
Thank you war mongers for CONTINUING the tradition of WAR...killing and maiming in the most despicable fashion making people like 151 be your gloating follower. Go 151, run to your GOD OF WAR...and BOW DOWN TO HIM. Draft this man Oh God of War, he needs to kill somone bad. He has KILL on the mind...His veins bulge from his neck in sheer anger over something he knows NOTHING about. You couldn't have a better KILL ROBOT...he's already self programmed to kill. God USA, tell him what's bad, even if it's a lie and he will do your KILL KILL bidding. He is a mindless KILLJOY because HIS government (the USA) is his God now, the USA GOD who did covert dastardly deeds on it's own people who trusted it, with drugs, radiation, disease and chemicals covertly ~~EVIL EVIL EVIL USA on it's OWN PEOPLE...and yet he puts full trust in this EVIL GOD COUNTRY who doese not give TWO CRAPS about his life...Go bathe in your weapons of war War Monger 151. I have no use for your kind. Never have...never will.
And Prom, Japan was in no way defeated. Please look at the U.S. casualty rates in the Pacific in its Island Hopping Campaign. You will see that thousands of marines AND Japanese died fighting over these little streches of land. More would have died on the mainland. Pacifism is a failure.No, war is a failure. I will kill no man. That is a success.
Edited by - pomegranate on 18 November 2002 22:13:6