been away from organization for a while now, yet?.

by intellecta 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • intellecta

    I found this site accidently i guess. I have been away from the truth for a while now...6 years... Yet it always permeates my mind somehow and I fear the events happening in the world, and wonder...

    I guess my problem was that I hated going out door to door as a child.. somehow I hated invading other people's privacy and felt wrong somehow, or embarrased, or just plain hated it period. I think that is the biggest thing that keeps me away from ever returning.. somehow I, in my small mind cannot understand why small children should do such a thing until they are old enough to at least have a say in it.. like an opinion???,, and still,, isnt that manipulation?????????????

    I am a parent of 2 children and as I have read some posts about child abuse in the truth,, well that totally angers me to no end... yes I understand the sick perverted condition that some are in, but still,, children are helpless and it is up to the leaders or whatever in the congregation to get them the "hell of the there",, sorry for the language, but that is horrible to imagine for me that this goes on in the "truth"....

    Putting all these things aside,, I still am drifting alone in this world,, and have no hope to give myself or my children. no religion,, yet all I ever have known is the religion as I was brought up in it for most of my life until my 20's.

    I guess a part of me still wants to believe in it, and as I watch the world events unfold I wonder what anyone here on this forum feels or thinks or wonders about for themselves????????????? what future do anyone of us have?????????????

  • hamptonite21

    spend some time talking to others and praying, I can understand where you come from, I too have felt the same way, But what I have found is that you dont need an organization to worship god. The wtbs is a human org. They time and time again have made mistakes that have effected the lives of millions of people. Their controlling way in my opinion are not of a loving god. I wish you the best in your healing process, Your visit here is a start. Welcome!

  • pomegranate

    Our future is whatever God decides. Whatever He decides, is good enough for me.

    I believe worrying about what God will do is sure paralysis. I do know one thing which may help relieve you:

    JW's are here..............................................................................................................God is way over here.

  • intellecta

    So then, what is your hope for your future?? do you wander about what is going on around you?? I for one don't like watching the news at all... all the crap and war and terrorism going on just stresses me out, so I go on as if it doesn't exist...

    I live in a fairly safe place still, and wonder though how others feel.. like the ones living in the US,, after September 11,, how that has changed peoples lives..

    I still want to believe in something, yet what???????????????that is the question of the day..

  • kelpie

    Welcome to the board


    You will find that this forum helps and support from the people here as they know what you are going through.

    You will make a great many friends here.. Just watch out for mac.. he loves riding kangaroos!!

    They have helped me greatly!

    btw: what part of this world do you live in?? (just curious)

  • intellecta

    Hello, and to answer your question, I live in beautiful Canada,, and you in Australia... And yes, I do feel fortunate to be sheltered so to speak from the stuff going on that i see, being in a small city here away from the limelight... I still can leave my doors unlocked, car unlocked, and feel safe,, yet how long will that false sense of security go on?

    Why do others in other places have a totally different lifestyle than me???? I guess I feel that all people deserve the same, the same goodness, security, and rights, etc, etc, etc,,,

    what do you think?

  • onacruse

    Hi intellecta, and welcome to the board!

    After spending 96% of my life in "anticipation" of the future, I now wholly subscribe to the simple advice "Live One Day at a Time."

    Not exactly unscriptural, either: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matt 6:27 NIV)


  • LB

    intellecta if you still believe in God then know that by being a loving and caring parent no God would destroy you would he? He also wouldn't want you to put your child in a place where pedofiles would be protected.

    Welcome to the board and feel free to tell us anything you like and ask us whatever you want.

  • larc

    The concerns you have about world conditions are the same concerns that every generation of our species have had since we first came into existence. Your concerns are the same concerns that Charles Taze Russell had in 1879, a hundred and twenty two years ago, when he prophesied that the faithful would be taken to heaven in just two more years. You have the same conderns that Russell had when he thought the whole world would collapse in 1914. You have fewer concerns than those who lived in the 14th century when war, famine and desease was far worse than anything we have ever come close to experiencing. So, I am saying, look at things in the context and perspective within which they occur.

  • intellecta

    yes, maybe,, concerns, worries,,, yet,,,,are we to live our lives with nothing?

    I guess i do think that I fight the fact that I don't really want to deterorate into old age and die..I have problems accepting this, and a part of me wants the youth ...

    If old age was natural then, tell me this?? why is society so obsessed with youth? media purpetuates it, and we all strive for it,,try to hold on to it.... as old age is not the norm... do you see commercials with older people representing mainstream society, trying to sell products, etc, ??????..not really.........

    just a thinking question for you all,, i like to anaylse...........

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