>>>My point was that we simply cannot assume that scripture can give us the definitive answer about anything<<<
I disagree. Why do you keep blanketing me (we/us) in with your feelings? It gives me the answers I need. The answer I am seeking of which I have derived at through research, mutual bantering between others who appreciate the book and maybe spiritual means, is indeed an answer for me. Maybe not you.
>>> the bible can and has been used to support diametrically opposed positions.<<<
I think I can safely say that when the Bible is used for that purpose, both sides in opposition are using the book wrong. Because people use the book for opposing purposes of which both can fall short, does that make the people wrong or the book wrong? There again, that's the answer for me. It may not be what satisfies you.
>>>We can't use it to 'prove' anything.<<<
Each person can use it on their own proving ground. True believers who use the book aright (to me) will say what they think is correct understanding, then listen and build as things are taken in. Not being afraid to change their understanding if the proof is logical, reasonable and scriptual. Nobody can condemn or justify till God does it in the end. Each one is responsible for learning as much as each persons intellect lets them...there are differing curves of understanding for each person. Everything about the INDIVIDUAL human, pro and con is factored in by God. I trust him in that regard.
>>>The very proliferation of different Christian religions with different beliefs, all basing their beliefs on the same bible, seems ample evidence for this.<<<
See, your astute observation can be looked at differently. The very proliferation of differing "Christian" religions using the same book seems ample evidence to me of a mass cover up. Bury it under so much dung. Somewhere at the bottom of the pile of religious garbage is God's gold. The easy way is to give up, the other way is to work at it.
>>>Your own measuring line? Your own personal truth?
Fact: Hitler had his own measuring line.
Fact: David Koresh had his own personal truth.<<<
What does the above have to do with you? I'm talking about you not them, not me, not your mother. YOU. It seems to me you have a measuring line. You gave me two bad examples. So you know basic good from bad. Crank it up a notch...
>>Societies cannot survive without adhering to an objective "measuring line" outside of personal preferences.<<
You are right. It's called Law.
>>Truth is truth--no matter who examines it. If what is true for me is not true for you, then it isn't truth to begin with. It should rather be called preference.<<
I agree. But when God is behind it, you can be sure it will connect others of like understanding. That's God's preference. That's the preference I want. It's what I've asked for.